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TAS5717: Abnormal output with no IIS DOUT

Part Number: TAS5717

Hi team,

Customer apply IIS to TAS5717 and found that when no DOUT, there is abnormal output on OUT_A and OUT_B as shown, which cause noise at speaker. I also attached schematics for your reference. Could you pls help to review it? 

OUT_A and OUT_B:

OUT_A and OUT_B 

IIS signal as below:







  • Hi Rayna

        The PWM seems has some kind of delay, I can't be fully sure for now. But the PWM related problem usually has much higher frequency and can't be heard by human ear. If they could clearly hear some noise, could they test the waveform at the speaker side, and doing FFT analysis, check what is the frequency of this noise? 

  • Hi Rayna,

    I have some questions,

    The IIS waveforms is measured from TAS5751 IIS pin?

    Please measure the OUT waveform when no audio input in play mode.

    Best Regards,

    Donny Peng