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TLV320AIC3120: I2S Interface & TDM mode setting

Part Number: TLV320AIC3120

Hello Expert,

I have two questions as follows and if you could write your opinion on each item.

1. I plan to use AUDIO CODEC only as slave. 

    Can I just connect SDIN and open SDOUT?

2. How do I set up to use TDM slave mode?

    The register for TDM mdoe settig is not confirmed.

    I can find only like below.


Best Regards,


  • Hi Michael,

    1) If you don't plan on transmitting data/using the ADC, then you can leave SDOUT open.

    2) TDM is analogous to DSP mode.

    Best regards,
    Jeff McPherson 

  • Hi Jeff,

    Long time no talk to you and thanks for your feedback.

    If I use TDM mode, can I set the DSP mode in the relevant register like above captured on my thread?

    Could you please share document and how to set DSP mode?

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Michael,

    Yes, if you set the register in your picture to DSP mode that is the general equivalent of TDM. Make sure to double check on the receiver end that the formatting matches since TDM has no formal standard.

    We don't have a document on setting DSP mode, it's simply the register you shared. The datasheet includes a timing/formatting diagram to help you understand the DSP mode.

    Best regards,
    Jeff McPherson