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TAS5611 and TAS5612

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5611, OMAP-L137


    I used the analog input power amplifier TAS5611 building a amplifier and it worked very well. We want to changed it to digital input TAS5612.  I read the functional block diagram of TAS5612, and the difference between TAS5611 and TAS5612 is that the TAS5612  transforms the digital input to analog signal and input to analog loop filter. My question is that why TAS5612 convert PWM signal to analog signal and then convert signal to PWM signal again?



  • Hi, Xiaoka,

    I'm glad you like our parts!

    This family uses analog feedback, so we apply analog-like feedback to the signal path. It's kind of our IP, so I can't really discuss in detail how it works...

    What are you using to generate your PWM input stream?


  • Hi Don,

         Thank you so much for your replying. I want to use TI's DSP (OMAP-L137) enhanced-High-resolution-Pusle-Width-Modulator (eHRPWM) to generate the input stream for this TAS5612. Is it possible?

