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TAS6422E-Q1: TATAS6422E-Q1: Playback is not as expected

Part Number: TAS6422E-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS6422-Q1


Hi Team,

We are using the TAS6422QDKQRQ1 in our design for the product.

Following are the Amplifier configuration done through I2C
1. Mode Control Register 0x00 = 0x00 -> BTL mode

2. SAP Control (Serial Audio-Port Control) Register 0x03 = 0x04 -> I2S 16-bit (sine Wave Data transfer from the Controller)

3. Channel State Control Register 0x04 = 0x05 -> play Mode

4. Channel 1 Through 2 Volume Control Registers 0x05 and 0x06 = 0xCF ->0dB

5. DC Load Diagnostic Control 2 Register 0x0A = 0x77 -> we are using 4Ohm Speaker.

WE aslo measured the All the I2S Clock , which are as expected with following value
1. MCLK - 24 MHz
2. BCLK - 3 MHz
3. SYNC - 44 kHz
4. TXD - -- Sine wave data.

Always we are hearing some unknown tone in the speaker. Even the MCLK is not available.

Can you check and suggest the I2C setting is correct?

Our application schematic is same as Figure 77. Typical 2-Channel BTL Application Schematic (TAS6422-Q1.pdf).

  • Hello,

    Please read register 0x0F.  This will provide the status of the output state.  Also, check the fault pin voltage to see if it is low.  You can also check the fault registers to see if there is a fault present. 

    The clocks need to be measured more precisely. BLCK must be an exact integer multiple of FSYNC (LRCLK).  In this case, it should be 64Fs.  44.1kHz x 64 = 2.8224 MHz.  I suggest using a MCLK of 11.2896 MHz.  (256Fs)

    Can you measure the unknown tone with an oscillscope?  It may be the automatic DC Load diagnostics when it is taken our of Standby.

    Gregg Scott

  • Hi Gregg,

    Here is the register value of 0x0F is showing 0xF5, which is DC load diagnostics as per datasheet. What it means?

    and please find the attached for tone captured at speaker o/p


  • Hi

    It looks like you do not have a resistor load or a speaker load connected.  It is required for the amplifier to turn on.

    Gregg Scott