TAS2110: Audio stopping in random timings

Part Number: TAS2110


I am experiencing an issue with the TAS2110 audio amplifier. The music intermittently stops playing at random intervals when the volume is set at 85. I have tried adjusting the gain to various levels, but the problem persists. Interestingly, this issue does not occur when the volume is set to 80 or below.

Could you please assist me in resolving this problem? Any guidance or troubleshooting steps would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the schematic,

To make the tests I'm using the AlsaMixer, but when the error occurs, i dont receive any error messages.

I removed the ferrite bead and capacitors and the error appears to have been corrected. But I can't understand why these two components could be the problem.

  • Hi Gustavo,

    Some comments on your schematic:

    • VBST/PVDD node shows 1x10uF/10V along with 1x100nF/50V capacitors. You should use a higher voltage rated capacitor, as well as higher decoupling capacitance. Use 2x10uF or 1x22uF. Since VBST and PVDD are on opposite sides of the IC, you should place one 1x10uF close to each of the pins.

    What may happen is the boost is not stable. Ferrite/capacitor at the outputs may cause some current peaks during the fast edge transients, causing the boost supply to fail and take some time to recover.

    You can read registers 0x24 and 0x25 to check if there's any interrupt being triggered that could give a clue on the issue.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • Hi Ivan,

    Thank you for your suggestions. I made the recommended changes by replacing the capacitors with higher voltage and capacitance values. I'm pleased to inform you that the issue with the amplifier has been resolved.

    Thanks again for your help!

    Best regards,

  • Good to know!

    Thanks for coming back with the feedback.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer