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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5414A

Hi, I've been using the TAS5414A in the 36SSOP.  I saw that Digikey, Mouser, and Newark have all stopped carrying this part.  Is the 64TQFP package more popular?  Are people still using the TAS amp?  Is production ramping up, or ramping down?  What's the long-term vision for the direction of this product line?  Can we have a comment from the Product Manager?

Also I have another question about the TAS amp.  I'm interested in the idea of circumventing the input stage; driving the PWM signal directly from my processor's PWM output, thus eliminating the DAC and its associated noise.  What do you think?  Feasible?  Good idea?  Also a question for the Product Manager?

  • Hi Josh,

    The TAS5414A is still in production.  We have customers still using it.  We are now bringing out the next generation device the TAS5414B that has the same pin out and functionality.  But, may need to have some software changes to control it.   Please let me know your production needs and a method to contact you off line so we can discuss the future direction.
    TI has many PWM output stages that can be driven directly from a PWM.  Do a search at  The TAS5414A or B will not have this capability. 

  • Hi Gregg,


    Thank you so much for your answer.  I didn't know about the TAS5414B.  That is exactly the explanation I was looking for.  When can I get some samples of the B version?  I would be glad to chat with you at:

    "Phone numbers removed from external forum"




    Josh Moses