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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5414B-Q1, TAS5630, TAS5630B, TPA3116D2


 I'm an Electronic Engineer in a automotive speakers company and we are developing an amplifier that must have around 1 x 90 - 100 Wrms, with 14,4 V single power supply (DC Battery). I was searching for an IC and I found TAS5414B-Q1 interesting for that. Today we already use in another products TI components, among these the IC TAS5630 with great results. Can work TAS5414B-Q1 in a non-I2C-bus mode? Do you have another IC with similiar configuration but without I2C (I'm interested in mono - PBTL - mode)?


Best regards.

Felipe Heineck

  • Hi, Felipe,

    Thank you for your continued interest (and usage!) of our devices!

    TAS5630B can be used in mono PBTL, but it's probably more power than you are looking for. Actually, it won't run at 14.4

    V, so I would recommend you look at TPA3116D2 which can also be run in mono PBTL, and doesn't require I2C. 


  • Hi Don,

    Thanks for your answer.

    I was looking at TPA3116D2 datasheet and it provides 50 W @ 4 ohms BTL, with a single supply power 21 V DC.

    Working in mono PBTL, with single supply power (12V - 14.4 V DC), what is the maximum output power (analising the figure 26 of datasheet - page13 - it would be around 25 - 40 W per channel, but with a 3 ohms load). Could it drive a 2 ohms load, with 12 V DC?

    Thanks again.

    Best regards.

    Felipe Heineck