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Initializing TAS5705 - oscillator trim?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5705, PCM1851A

Dear TI-Support,

I am experiencing some trouble initializing my TAS5705:

Following the instructions listed on page 44 of the datasheet everything works fine until I reach step 5.
Writing 0x00 to register 0x1B seems to crash the chip.

If I skip step 5 all the other I2C communication works fine - but the amplifier doesn't start playing.

A few questions - just to make sure that I understood everything correctly:
Is PVDD needed for the oscillator trim procedure?

On page 23 the datasheet states that, if MCLK is absent or unstable, the internal oscillator clock is used to produce the internal clock. Should the MCLK pin be left floating or pulled to DVDD/DVSS?
After some research ( I found out that this might cause the crash.
In my case I'm unable to use one of the listed devices mentioned in the Forum, but i could provide a fixed MCLK=24.576MHz - will this work for different audio sources?

I would like to know if there is any similar product, which works without MCLK, and provides 2x BTL, SUB and HP?

Best regards
Elias Rabl