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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5261, TAS5142, TAS5624A, TAS5614, TAS5631, TAS5162

At this moment I am considering TAS5261 for a new design. We have experience with TAS5142/5162 and TAS5231 in our products sofar. Mostly with very good results

For the TAS5261 I noticed a different recommended configuration regarding the bootstrap capacitor. The resistance in series with the bootstrap cap and the presence of the extra snubber looks like a remedy against overcharge of Cboot  caused by undershoot of the output node. Also the presence of the TVS diodes on the outputs is typical for this part. Does this mean that the TAS5261 is more vulnerable for undershoot/overshoot than other members of the TAS family?

I also notice that it is not possible to put the part in BTL mode by hardware configuration. We need and extra XOR , correct?

Are there any parts on the roadmap that will replace this part?


Geert de Vries