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TPA6130A2 EVM windows software, seems to be nothing like expected

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPA6130A2, TPA6130A2EVM


Im trying to get an eval board working for the TPA6130A2

You might expect that you could get something up and running easily, but so far

its been a time consuming excercise, with no help through approaches to TI, so

im posting something here incase someone can help !

(Installing onto Win7 machine)

After negotiating the less than simple registration, we have managed to
get the SLOC126a file (could not attach for  ref).

Unzipped this ( file) and installed (per Page 2 of the user guide), prior to attaching the Eval board.
" Download the software from the TPA6130A2 EVM webpage ("

The program doesn't appear to anything like the one shown in the eval board user guide, and is titled BQ2429x

EVM GUI v. (screenshot below).

At this point im thinking we have the wrong software here..

Attaching the eval board produces some messages about didn't install correctly, tried to
point windows update as per page 3 of the User Guide (also attached) but none of this
did anything useful, or could the driver be found here (BQ2429x stuff is here).

"Browse to the software install path (default: C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments Inc\TPA6130A2"

  • Hello,

    Sorry for your frustration. I tried the download process and found similar issues. Somehow the installer files associated with SLOC126a got corrupted / switched with a different GUI which is causing your issues.

    We are working to correct this and get the right installation files associated on the EVM webpage. We will inform you once the correct files can be downloaded.

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention and we apologize for any inconvenience.

  • Hi Matthew,

    Many thanks for your quick reply, we have had the eval board a few weeks (while waiting for the rather unhelpful response we originally got back through Ti) and not being able to get it up and running is a headache as this project is on a short timescale (hence our original decision to use the eval board...) , is there any way you can email me the correct zip file direct, before you get your website fixed?
  • Hello,

    The correct TPA6130A2 GUI Files are now available for download from the EVM page.

  • Hi Matt,

    Have now been able to install, and have got it working at last !

    The user interface needs a bit of tweaking, (screenshot below), a lot of the text overwrites the background,

    Clearly some screen sizing issues, but at least it works !

     we can get back on track with evaluating this device,

    Many Thanks for you help !

  • Hello,

    just got my TPA6130A2EVM and downloaded software from TI website. Installation seems to be broken again (Tested on Windows 7 Professional, 32 bit with latest updates and service packs):

    1) When unzipping, there is a Readme.txt that states: "To download TPA613x GUI, run setup.exe found in Volume folder with this download" - but there is no such "volume" folder.

    2) When running the TPA613xA2GUI-installer.exe (also found in the unzipped files) an installation starts and a second installer ist started. That second installer wants to reboot the computer as a final action. But when clicking on suggested "reboot" button, a dialog pops up for a short moment that says something like : "Installation failed [...] return value not zero", then the computer reboots.

    When plugging in the TPA6130A2EVM no drivers are found (as expected), but: When directing the device installer to the TI Software installation directory, no drivers are found either. Found a solution for that here:

    After using those drivers the board is accepted by Windows 7, as a "NI-VISA USB Devices\TIAudioI2C", and nothing else (especcially no additional audio device, but I guess that's okay).

    At this point I got stuck: When starting "TPA613xA2 Interface" the GUI looks like expected, but when clicking on any button or checkbox a message box pops up that says "Correct drivers not detected.".

    Looks like there is some software missing, or I have I missed something during the installation process. Any hint to get the board up and running would me more than appreciated.

    Thanks to all!


  • HI Thomas,

    I just ran through the installer procedure and found no issues. You are correct in running the intallere.exe. This should actually extract the files including the 'Volume" folder and then automatically run the second installer. If the second installer doesn’t automatically run, then you can manually run it by finding the “Volume” folder on your C: drive as discussed in the readme.

    I have never had the second installer ask to reboot. Is this Windows suggesting restarting, not the installer?

    Assuming that everything was installed correctly, “Correct drivers not detected” is usually a firmware issue with the EVM. I have had this happen to my EVMs. It may have been corrupted when running the 0728.Drivers.

    Follow the instruction outlined in section 2.1.3 in the EVM user’s guide found HERE.

    The firmware can be found further down on the EVM web page.

    If you are still experiencing issues after confirming that the EVM is recognized correctly in device manager, try the installation again without restarting.



  • Hi Matt,

    thank you very much for the fast reply.

    Did as you told me, uninstalled the 0728.Drivers completely and updated the USB firmware. Now everything works well. Looks like the missing firmware was the issue.

    The GUI is operating now, too. But the install process differs from your experience.

    First of all there is no "Volume" folder extracted, but I guess this is my fault and "Volume" folder actually means the "TPA613xA2GUI" folder, because there is a "setup.exe", as you can see in the screenshot below.

    But then the Installer still wants a reboot, and I am quite sure that it is the installer that wants it, because the window title is the same as installer's window title "TPA613xA2 Interface". But this time I choose "Restart Later".

    The an error message for the first installer pops up:

    "Problem during post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly

    Error running C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments Inc\TPA613xA2GUI\setup.exe: Program ended with an error exit code"

    After pressing the OK button an uninstaller gets created and the program finishes.

    But as said before: The GUI is working and I am more than happy to be able to use the EVM now. Take the information above just as a hint for improvements of the installer. I don't know why two of my machines behave different to yours. Maybe because we use the German Windows 7 version, or maybe because these are developer machines where a lot of driver development is done. I just don't know.

    Thanks again for guiding me into the right direction
