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[ TAS5414A / B ] Replacement and Difference

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5414A, TAS5414B-Q1

[ TAS5414A / B ] Replacement and Difference


My customer has been using TAS5414A for past few years, and now they start  to working on TAS5414B for new development. As first trial, they just replaced IC from TAS5414A to TAS5414B, however, it did not work at all.

Based on other discussion below, I have looked into their initialization sequence as below. Can you please review the sequence for A and point out which sequence do not fit with B version? (Please be noted that the system has two TAS5414As as Master and Slave, so some steps (data) are different.)

Also, during register comparison, I have noticed some of registers(both READ only register and R/W register) are different and need to be modified.

For my customer case, I have recognized following modifications are necessary at least.

Slave        0x09          Should not write any data to D7:D4

Master      0x0A         D6 need to be "1" to send Sync Pulse from OSC_SYNC pin for slave device

Master      0x0B          D7 need to be "1" to enable output of Sync Pulse

Master/Slave              0x0E/0x0F                  Should not write any data to these registers

Master/Slave              0x10                             Need to be set correctly

Can you help to review this as weel?

Other Reference


