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TAS5717 Question

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5717

Hi everyone !

I need information about TAS5717.

I have two quetion.


We can setting the MCLK=SCLK.

Is there anything  "reduce of performance".  

-LRCLK:48kHz Fs
TAS5717 datasheet Table.3

There isn't Headphone Register.

I think  0x0B address is Headphone Volume Register.

This is true?

Please send me if you have any information.

Best Regards.


  • Hi Shing,

    Question 1:

    MCLK can be tied to SCLK with a frequency of 64 Fs as long as the sampling frequency is equal to 44.1KHz or 48KHz.

    Question 2:

    Headphone volume control corresponds to register 0x0C. there is a typo in the Datasheet, we will correct it in next revision. 


      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Hi Diego

    Thank you for your answer.
    Please more explain this question.

    Question 1:
    Case 1)SCLK=Fs×64=3.072MHz MCLK:Fs×64=3.072MHz
    Case 2)SCLK=Fs×64=3.072MHz MCLK=Fs×512=24.576MHz

    In between Case 1) and Case 2).
    Are there any different of filter Processing Specifications?
    Question 2:
    Please confirm about typo.

    datasheet page 33:
    Table 3. Serial Control Interface Register Summary
    0x0B–0x0D Reserved :
    -->0x0C :Headphone volume
    Is this True?

    datasheet page 42:
    VOLUME REGISTERS (0x07, 0x08, 0x09)
    Headphone volume – 0x0B (default is 0 dB)
    -->0x0C (default is 0 dB)
    Is this True?

    Best Regards.

  • Hi Shing, 

    Question 1:

    The DAP of the TAS5717 can auto-detect and set the internal clock-control logic to the appropriate settings for all supported clock rates as defined in the clock control register, so there is no difference between the processing specifications.

    Question 2:

     Register 0x0C corresponds to headphone volume. So yes, the typo is in page 33 and page 42, In page 33 it is stated as reserved and in page 42 it is changed to 0x0B. We'll change this to the correct value in the next revision. 

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Hi Diego

    Thank you for your kindly reply.

    I hope to issue Data Sheet  next version.

    Best Regards.
