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Mono Class-D Amp: 3W@1% THD+N, 4 ohm Load

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPA2038D1, TAS2553


Customer is looking for a low cost, mono, analog in, class D amp that will deliver 3W@1% THD+N, 4 ohm load with a 5 V supply. Adjustabe gain would be nice but not a must. I suggested the TPA2038D1 but it comes up short on power at 1% THD. Any suggestions for another device or a digital input device that might get there?

If they switch to 8 ohm load it looks like the TAS2553 would work. Any others?

  • I doubt you can get much better than around 2 watts before clipping (low distortion) with a 5 volt supply and 4 ohm load using a bridged type output amplifier.  You would need a higher supply voltage or an amp with the booster supply like the TAS2553 or a lower impedance load.