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The Question Of TAS5706A Of Output Voltage Vs Dynamic Frequency Range

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5706A


my PCB was designed after referencing TAS5706EVM2. It work in BTL mode .PVCC is 18V .volume gain is 0 dB. the load resistance is 7.7 Ohm.

I experience some questions when I keep other measurement condition unchanged ,except for frequency.

The following is my measurement  record

frequency(KHZ)                            0.02,1,10,16

output Voltage of TAS5706A(Vrms)9.15,9.85,8.8,7.9

other question:I found second harmonic and  three harmonic at frequency of 10KHZ and 16KHZ when I measure TAS5706A Spectrum with Analyzer

Do you experience the question when you measure TAS5706EVM2?Is my measurement right?