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TLV320AIC10 DOUT Data value

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV320AIC10, ADS8342


Regarding the TLV320AIC10 DOUT, if we want to send the
ADC output as a 16 bit data, what could the be output value
for the 16 bit data at FFFF.
Is it 1 or 65535?

Best Regards

  • Hi Kummi,

    The format of the serial data interface is two' s complement signed integer, so FFFF will correspond to  -1.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Hi Diego,

    Thank you so much for the quick details.
    Could you please let me ask one more question about this topic.

    The TLV320AIC10 datasheet "4.3.4 ADC Channel Characteristics" mentions
    ADC's "VI(PP) Peak-to-peak input voltage(differential)" is 4V.
    Does it mean the output data is "1" for Vi= 4V and
    "-1" for Vi=-4V? or else "-1" for Vi=0V?

    Similarly regarding the DAC "4.3.7 DAC Channel Characteristics"
    the "Analog output voltage (Vo) " is -4(min) to +4'Max).
    Will the output be 4V when the data is "1" and
    -4V output when the data is "-1"?

    Best Regards
  • Hi Diego,

    Please let me know if there is any comment on the above question.

    Regarding the ADC output data can I assume it be something like the
    one below (from ADS8342 datasheet).

    Best Regards

  • Any advice?

  • Hi Kummy,

    Sorry for the delay. The codec ADC has a similar behavior as the one you describes, but the conversion range comes from 0 to AVDD. 


      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer