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TPA3144D2 Volume Control

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPA3144D2

Hello, I'm new with audio amplifiers, I'm building a Bluetooth Speaker and I'm using the TPA3144D2 to accomplish my goals but I have some questions about control, I hope you can help me out:

*My bluetooth module will have 4 push buttons: Play/Pause, Mute, Volume+ and Volume-. I understand if you push the Play/Pause and Mute buttons, te BT module will stop sending signal from its output to the TPA3144D2 L and R inputs, but HOW IS THE VOLUME CONTROLED?!

Thanks and best regards,

  • Hi Enrique,

    Gain on this device is controlled by a resistor divider connected to the GAIN pin. These values are "read" and fixed when /SD is made active. Set this to the maximum output you think you need, then...

    Volume control can be done with a simple mechanical pot on the input to the device. Do not forget you want a capacitor "on both sides" of the pot (input and wiper) to make sure you don't hear "scratchy" sounds when turning the pot.

    If you are using a microcontroller you could replace the mechanical pot with a digital pot. In my designs, I use a µC with an integral ADC. Use a "log" or "audio" pot for volume controls. Many digital pots are 256 steps; as such, if the ADC is also 8 bits then you can simply read the ADC channel with the mechanical pot and write that exact value to the digital pot. When doing this with an audio taper pot you are also "reading the taper" of the pot, so the digital linear pot appears as an audio pot to the circuit. When using single-ended digital pots (+5V for instance) remember you have to offset the input signal by Vcc/2 .

    Mike T.
  • Thank you very much for your answer Mike! IT has been very useful and clarifying for me, I'm wondering if you have an schematic example you can provide (I'm using a microcontroller) to clarify some other questions in the design and to avoid mistakes at the schematic design time...?

    Thanks again.
  • Hi Enrique,

    I've attached a LTSpice .asc file here. If you're not using LTSpice, I highly advise getting a copy (it's completely free), learn the basics and run the file. If you haven't used this program, install it, open the attached file and click on the "running man" on the toolbar. Then start probing the circuit, looking at the resulting waveforms. The op amp chosen is simply from the included library; I in fact use only TI audio op amps in my stuff. Remove the ".txt" from the end of the file to use it.

    The series connected "50k" resistors represent a 100K pot in each case. Probe around the circuits, looking at each waveform. The underlying theme is the input is "ground referenced", on the "other side" of the input cap the signal is riding on a +2.5V offset and the output is again capacitively coupled; the output signal is again ground referenced.

    You have two choices when using digital pots (DP); those that can handle bi-polar power supplies (Microchip has one), hence, bi-polar signals and those that can only pass a signal between ground and Vcc (most DP's) as presented in the LTC file. To use single-ended DP's one must offset the signal, usually by Vcc/2. This is demonstrated in various configurations; the configuration you choose depends on many factors outside the scope of this post. The circuits presented have a bandwidth of ~ 25Hz to 20kHz. They are not "complete" circuits; they don't show decoupling of the supplies, etc. If you go this route, TI also has a "rail splitter" that makes generating a low noise, low output impedance Vcc/2 simple.

    Version 4
    SHEET 1 1580 852
    WIRE 1152 32 1120 32
    WIRE 1248 32 1216 32
    WIRE 368 48 336 48
    WIRE 464 48 432 48
    WIRE -448 96 -480 96
    WIRE -352 96 -384 96
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    WIRE 1120 128 1120 32
    WIRE 1120 128 1088 128
    WIRE 1152 128 1120 128
    WIRE 1248 128 1248 32
    WIRE 1248 128 1232 128
    WIRE 128 144 112 144
    WIRE 224 144 192 144
    WIRE 336 144 336 48
    WIRE 336 144 304 144
    WIRE 368 144 336 144
    WIRE 464 144 464 48
    WIRE 464 144 448 144
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    WIRE -1344 160 -1408 160
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    WIRE -480 192 -512 192
    WIRE -448 192 -480 192
    WIRE -352 192 -352 96
    WIRE -352 192 -368 192
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    WIRE -736 240 -736 192
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    WIRE -1152 272 -1248 272
    WIRE -1040 272 -1088 272
    WIRE -1248 288 -1248 272
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    WIRE -464 288 -480 288
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    WIRE -352 304 -400 304
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    WIRE 1248 320 1200 320
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    WIRE 464 336 416 336
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    WIRE -736 352 -736 320
    WIRE -480 352 -480 320
    WIRE 128 352 80 352
    WIRE 256 352 256 336
    WIRE 256 352 192 352
    WIRE 352 352 256 352
    WIRE 560 352 560 336
    WIRE 256 384 256 352
    WIRE 864 384 864 336
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    WIRE -896 416 -896 400
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    WIRE -192 416 -256 416
    WIRE -96 416 -128 416
    WIRE -256 432 -256 416
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    WIRE 80 512 80 480
    WIRE -896 528 -896 512
    WIRE -784 544 -784 512
    WIRE -256 544 -256 512
    WIRE 1344 560 1344 528
    WIRE 560 576 560 544
    WIRE -896 624 -896 608
    WIRE -784 624 -784 608
    FLAG -1040 272 out1
    FLAG -1408 320 0
    FLAG -96 416 out2
    FLAG -736 352 0
    FLAG -256 544 0
    FLAG -1040 528 0
    FLAG -1040 432 +Vcc
    FLAG -432 336 0
    FLAG -736 512 Vcc/2
    FLAG -432 272 +Vcc
    FLAG -896 400 +Vcc
    FLAG -896 624 0
    FLAG -784 624 0
    FLAG -480 432 Vcc/2
    FLAG -1408 160 in1
    FLAG -736 192 in2
    FLAG 720 448 out3
    FLAG 80 512 0
    FLAG 560 576 0
    FLAG 384 368 0
    FLAG 384 304 +Vcc
    FLAG 112 160 0
    FLAG 256 256 +Vcc
    FLAG 256 464 0
    FLAG 80 352 in3
    FLAG -1248 400 Vcc/2
    FLAG 1504 432 out4
    FLAG 864 496 0
    FLAG 1344 560 0
    FLAG 1168 352 0
    FLAG 1168 288 +Vcc
    FLAG 896 144 0
    FLAG 864 336 in4
    FLAG 1040 240 Vcc/2
    SYMBOL res -1264 160 R0
    SYMATTR InstName R1
    SYMATTR Value 50k
    SYMBOL res -1264 272 R0
    SYMATTR InstName R2
    SYMATTR Value 50k
    SYMBOL cap -1280 144 R90
    WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 2
    WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 2
    SYMATTR InstName C1
    SYMATTR Value 1�
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    WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 2
    WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 2
    SYMATTR InstName C2
    SYMATTR Value 1�
    SYMBOL voltage -1408 192 R0
    WINDOW 3 -209 58 Left 2
    WINDOW 123 -209 86 Left 2
    WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
    SYMATTR InstName V1
    SYMATTR Value SINE(0 .5 1000)
    SYMATTR Value2 AC 1
    SYMBOL res -272 304 R0
    SYMATTR InstName R3
    SYMATTR Value 50k
    SYMBOL res -272 416 R0
    SYMATTR InstName R4
    SYMATTR Value 50k
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    WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 2
    WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 2
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    SYMATTR Value 1�
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    WINDOW 3 18 97 Left 2
    WINDOW 123 43 56 Left 2
    WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
    SYMATTR InstName V3
    SYMATTR Value SINE(0 .5 1000)
    SYMATTR Value2 AC 1
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    SYMATTR InstName U1
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    WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
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    SYMATTR Value 5
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    SYMATTR InstName R7
    SYMATTR Value 47k
    SYMBOL res -912 512 R0
    SYMATTR InstName R8
    SYMATTR Value 47k
    SYMBOL cap -800 544 R0
    SYMATTR InstName C3
    SYMATTR Value 10�
    SYMBOL res -496 336 R0
    SYMATTR InstName R9
    SYMATTR Value 5k
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    WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
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    SYMATTR Value 10k
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    WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 2
    WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 2
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    SYMATTR Value 0.47�
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    WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 2
    WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 2
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    SYMATTR Value 1n
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    SYMATTR InstName R6
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    SYMATTR InstName R11
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    SYMATTR Value 1�
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    WINDOW 3 11 107 Left 2
    WINDOW 123 37 73 Left 2
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    SYMATTR Value2 AC 1
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    SYMATTR Value 10k
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    WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 2
    WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 2
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    SYMATTR Value 0.47�
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    WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 2
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    SYMATTR Value 1n
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    WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 2
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    SYMATTR Value 1�
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    SYMATTR InstName R13
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    SYMATTR InstName R15
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    SYMATTR InstName R16
    SYMATTR Value 50k
    SYMBOL res 1328 432 R0
    SYMATTR InstName R17
    SYMATTR Value 50k
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    SYMATTR Value 1�
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    WINDOW 123 37 73 Left 2
    WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
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    SYMATTR Value SINE(0 .5 1000)
    SYMATTR Value2 AC 1
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    SYMATTR InstName U3
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    WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
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    SYMATTR Value 10k
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    WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 2
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    SYMATTR Value 0.47�
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    WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 2
    WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 2
    SYMATTR InstName C13
    SYMATTR Value 1n
    SYMBOL cap 976 320 R90
    WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 2
    WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 2
    SYMATTR InstName C14
    SYMATTR Value 1�
    SYMBOL res 1024 224 R0
    SYMATTR InstName R20
    SYMATTR Value 470k
    TEXT -1562 376 Left 2 !.tran 10m

    Good luck!

    Mike T.

  • Thank you very much again Mike, I just downloaded the LTSpice. I will follow the instructions and see the results.

    Best regards!

  • Hello again Mike,

    Sorry for all the inconvenience but I have an other question. I have made a great progress with your responses and the info you have sent me but I have one last problem (I think). I have done all the connections with the TPA3144D2 and the interface with the speakers and the bluetooth module but reading the datasheet I found in page 8 something about Output Power vs Supply Voltage I hope you can help me out:

    I have a 3.7V battery, this will be my supply and the datasheet in that page says that I need at least 4.5V to deliver less than 2W of Output Power and at least 9V to deliver 6W of Output Power with 2 speakers of 8 Ohms (one for each output), and I don't know if I got this right... did I get it right? Should I rise my 3.7V to 9V supply to get 6W of Output Power? 

    Thanks and best regards!

  • Enrique Ugarte said:

    Hello again Mike,

    Sorry for all the inconvenience but I have an other question. I have made a great progress with your responses and the info you have sent me but I have one last problem (I think). I have done all the connections with the TPA3144D2 and the interface with the speakers and the bluetooth module but reading the datasheet I found in page 8 something about Output Power vs Supply Voltage I hope you can help me out:

    I have a 3.7V battery, this will be my supply and the datasheet in that page says that I need at least 4.5V to deliver less than 2W of Output Power and at least 9V to deliver 6W of Output Power with 2 speakers of 8 Ohms (one for each output), and I don't know if I got this right... did I get it right? Should I rise my 3.7V to 9V supply to get 6W of Output Power? 

    Thanks and best regards!

    Enrique Ugarte said:

    Hello again Mike,

    Sorry for all the inconvenience but I have an other question. I have made a great progress with your responses and the info you have sent me but I have one last problem (I think). I have done all the connections with the TPA3144D2 and the interface with the speakers and the bluetooth module but reading the datasheet I found in page 8 something about Output Power vs Supply Voltage I hope you can help me out:

    I have a 3.7V battery, this will be my supply and the datasheet in that page says that I need at least 4.5V to deliver less than 2W of Output Power and at least 9V to deliver 6W of Output Power with 2 speakers of 8 Ohms (one for each output), and I don't know if I got this right... did I get it right? Should I rise my 3.7V to 9V supply to get 6W of Output Power? 

    Thanks and best regards!