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TAS5717 DRC Attack and Release Setting

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5717


I am using TAS5717 and I have some issue with the DRC setting.  The device literature leaves a lot to be desired on this subject so I did not mess around with any other setting related to DRC, other than threshold.  I had EQ tuned so the sound is great but if I set my master volume to say 24 and then drop it to 19 (this is in the GDE tool) there is a long quiet period and then the sound comes back.  This problem is not there if I go from 19 to 24 say.

This seems to be observed more consistently on louder tracks  like rock but less so on quiet ones like classical music.

Could you please explain what parameter is this caused by and how I can fix it in simple and practical terms, keeping in mind that the GDE tool is buggy and does not necessarily correspond to what the datasheet is explaining.  The literature seems to have been written by someone who really likes maths but does not really pay attention to the tool limitations and inconsistencies in terminology.


  • Hi, Dalibor,

    Thanks for your post. Sorry you are having difficulties. The behavior you mention is related to the timing constants, the release time might be too slow. 

    We usually recommend to tune individually each attack, decay and energy time constants considering the period of the lowest frequency of the system (Ts):


    This is suggested as a starting point, as maybe fine tuning is required in the end system according to each customer requirements.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Thanks Diego.

    I am afraid that this doesn't make any sense to me.  What frequency do you mean.  The product is a media player so general music playback.

    What values should I set my DRC to?



  • Hi, Dalibor,

    The lowest frequency I mentioned before corresponds generally to the minimum audible frequency the system will admit. In general, this can be about 20-40 Hz. You can try with the recommended values from the table I sent before.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer