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TAS5414C-Q1: TAS5414C-Q1 power supply and PBTL

Part Number: TAS5414C-Q1


I have two question:

1) Power supply to TAS5414C-Q1 - I have an application with a load impedance of 1 Ohms that need around 50 Watts. This means I=sqrt(P)/R = 7.1A. Does the power source have to supply a current of 7.1A? Or, a 15V and 3.3A supply is sufficient (ideal conditions)?

2) Can I use 4 channels outputs to PBTL after the L in LC filter like in the picture?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


  • Hi Petr,

    The TAS5414C-Q1 should be able to drive the 1 ohm load with only two channels in parallel.  The TAS5414C-Q1 can have either channels 1 and 2 or channels 3 and 4 paralleled.

    The power supply you need must be able to supply the power needed to drive your load and any losses in the system.  Your power supply must supply 50.4W plus any system losses.  Your 15Vdc, 3.3A supply is not enough current.  You need to have more power available in your power supply.

  • Hi Gregg,

    Thank you very much for your advice.

    But, in "sloa196" (design guide) is information about four channels in parallel to drive 1 ohm. In datasheet TAS5414C-Q1 is information about chanels 1 and 2 or chanels 3 and 4 paralleled. That's little confusing for me.

    I use the 60 W power supply 15Vdc, 4A. That's good enough.

    Best regards,


  • Petr,

    All four channels can be paralleled but it is no longer recommended on the "C" version.  The "C" version has a protection scheme called thermal foldback.  Channels 1 and 2 are linked when in PBTL mode and Channels 3 and 4 ar linked. in PBTL mode.  This allows the thermal foldback to function properly in PBTL mode.  If all four channels are paralleled the thermal foldback protection will not be linked and cannot track properly across the channels.

  • Gregg,

    Thank you  for your advice.

    I get 90W to 1 ohm in PBTL mode. Maybe I will need more power. I was looking for another amplifier but none has the smallest impedance of 1 ohm.

    Does your company offer an amplifier with output power about 150W to 1 ohm? Would you recommend me some? The best choice in class D and with analog inputs. I did not find any.

    Thank you in advance!

    Best regards,


  • Petr,

    In register 0x09, bit D0; you can disable the thermal foldback.  This will allow you to run all four channels in parallel with the TAS5414C-Q1.  To get to the 150W, you will need to operate the device at around 24Vdc.  The losses in your LC filter will dictate the voltage needed to meet your power requirement.  In theory, you should be able to get to 300W into 1 ohm, but in practice the losses will be higher and you will need to test it in your system.

  • Gregg,

    Thank you  for your advice.

    The device will be operate 24Vdc and i want to get 150W. Can I use only 2 channels to PBTL, or I must use 4 channels to PBTL?

    Thank you in advance!

    Best regards,


  • Hi Petr,

    With a 1 ohm load, you will be putting stress on two channels at 24Vdc.  I suggest you to use 4 channels for your power needs.

  • Hi Petr! Did this answer your question and can we close this message thread? Thanks, Jeff
  • Hi,

    yes, this answer was useful. I am sorry, but I have next question. I need use TAS5424-Q1 as mono. For OUTPUT I use 4 chanels in PBTL and for  INPUT a must use INPUT 2 and INPUT 3. Is it possible to connect the INPUTS  tlike in the picture?

    Thank you.



  • Petr,

    Yes, you can connect the inputs at you have on the schematic for the TAS5424C-Q1.  Please note this works only on the "C" version.

  • Hello Petr! Can we close this at this point? If so, you can always open a new message thread as needed. Thanks, Jeff