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TLV320ADC3001: Low pass filter wide-band and narrow-band switching method

Part Number: TLV320ADC3001
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV320ADC3101


Customer use TLV320ADC3101 in BT call application, they would like to switch the low pass filter setting from 4KHz to 8KHz.

However, they failed to switch the low pass filter from 4KHz to 8KHz, the system works in 4KHz mode even use 8KHz setting. Page 4 register 73&75 are used, follow disable ADC-- write register -- read register process.

Could you let us know the correct process? thanks.


  • Hi, Dongbao,

    Could you please share the exact register writes make to get this change done?.  Having the register setup will help us to try t identify the root cause of this behavior.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Hi Diego,
    Thanks for your reply. Please find below customer switching low pass filter process:
    reg_value mux_switch[] =
            {0,   0x0},    //change to page 0
            {81,  0x2},  //power down adc
            {254, 0x5}, //delay 5 ms
            {0,   0x4}, // change to page 4 
            {73,  0x2},           // @8k , set reg 73 : 0x02 ; @16k ,set reg :0x01
                {75,  0x2},       // @8k or @16k : set reg 75: 0x02 ; 
            {0,   0x0},  //change to page 0
            {81, 0xc2}, // power up adc
    ADC3101 head file below, with all register setting.

    //CONTROL LOCATIONS typedef struct { u8 control_page; //coefficient page location u8 control_base; //coefficient base address within page u8 control_mute_flag; //non-zero means muting required u8 control_string_index; //string table index } control; static control MUX_controls[] = { {4,74,1,0}, {4,72,1,1} }; #if 0 static string MUX_control_names[] = { "Stereo_Mux_1", "Stereo_Mux_2" }; #endif static control VOLUME_controls[] = { }; #if 0 static string VOLUME_control_names[] = { }; #endif //INSTRUCTIONS & COEFFICIENTS typedef struct { u8 reg_off; u8 reg_val; } reg_value; #if 0 static string REG_Section_names[] = { "miniDSP_A_reg_values", "miniDSP_D_reg_values", }; #endif reg_value REG_Section_program[] = { { 0,0x00}, { 0,0x2F}, // # reg[47][95]=0x00 { 95,0x00}, // # reg[47][96]=0x00 { 96,0x00}, // # reg[47][97]=0x00 { 97,0x00}, { 0,0x00}, // # reg[0][1]=0x01 { 1,0x01}, // # reg[0][254]=0x10 {254,0x10}, // # reg[0][61] = 0x00 ; reg(0)(0x3d => 61) ADC ADC prog mode { 61,0x00}, // # reg[0][4] = 0x07 ; PLL_CLKIN = MCLK, CODEC_CLKIN=PLL_CLK { 4,0x07}, // # reg[0][5] = 0x91 ; P=1, R=1 { 5,0x91}, // # reg[0][6] = 0x20 ; J=8, settings are for fs = 44.1khz { 6,0x20}, // # reg[0][18] = 0x84 ; reg(0)(0x12 => 18) ADC Powerup NADC = 4, mkmkmk add an additional divide by 2 vs 3254 since only 512 instructions available { 18,0x84}, // # reg[0][19] = 0x84 ; ADC Powerup MADC = 4 { 19,0x84}, // # reg[0][27] = 0x00 ; reg(0)(0x1b => 27) Mode = i2s & wordlength = 16 { 27,0x00}, // # reg[0][20] = 128 ; reg(0)(0x14 => 20) ADC AOSR = 128 { 20,0x80}, // # reg[0][83] = 0x0 ; adc vol control = 0db { 83,0x00}, // # reg[0][84] = 0x0 ; adc vol control = 0db { 84,0x00}, // # reg[0][22] = 4 ; Decimation Ratio = 4 { 22,0x04}, // # reg[0][21] = 226 ; IADC { 21,0xE2}, {255,0x00}, { 0,0x01}, // # reg[1][52] = 0xfc ; reg(1)(0x34 => 52) ADC IN1_L is selected for left P { 52,0xFC}, // # reg[1][55] = 0xfc ; reg(1)(0x37 => 55) ADC IN1_R is selected for right P { 55,0xFC}, // # reg[1][59] = 0x00 ; reg(1)(0x3b => 59) ADC unmute left mic PGA { 57,0x3C}, // IN1_L is selected for right adc { 59,0x00}, // # reg[1][60] = 0x00 ; reg(1)(0x3c => 60) ADC unmute right mic PGA { 60,0x00}, { 0,0x00}, // # reg[0][81] = 0xc2 ; reg(0)(0x51 => 81) ADC Powerup ADC left and right channels (soft-stepping disable) { 81,0xC2}, // # reg[0][82] = 0x00 ; reg(0)(0x52 => 82) ADC Unmute ADC left and right channels { 82,0x00}, // # reg[0][82] = 0 { 82,0x00}, // # reg[0][83] = 0 { 83,0x00}, // # reg[0][86] = 32 { 86,0x20}, // # reg[0][87] = 254 { 87,0xFE}, // # reg[0][88] = 0 { 88,0x00}, // # reg[0][89] = 104 { 89,0x68}, // # reg[0][90] = 168 { 90,0xA8}, // # reg[0][91] = 6 { 91,0x06}, // # reg[0][92] = 0 { 92,0x00}, // # reg[0][84] = 0 { 84,0x00}, // # reg[0][94] = 32 { 94,0x20}, // # reg[0][95] = 254 { 95,0xFE}, // # reg[0][96] = 0 { 96,0x00}, // # reg[0][97] = 104 { 97,0x68}, // # reg[0][98] = 168 { 98,0xA8}, // # reg[0][99] = 6 { 99,0x06}, // # reg[0][100] = 0 {100,0x00}, }; reg_value miniDSP_A_reg_values[] = { { 0,0x04}, { 2,0x00}, { 3,0xB8}, { 4,0x7E}, { 5,0x91}, { 6,0x7F}, { 7,0xFF}, { 8,0x00}, { 9,0x00}, { 10,0x00}, { 11,0x00}, { 12,0x7F}, { 13,0x94}, { 14,0xC0}, { 15,0x36}, { 16,0x00}, { 17,0x00}, { 18,0x3F}, { 19,0x94}, { 20,0x00}, { 21,0x00}, { 22,0x7F}, { 23,0xFF}, { 24,0x00}, { 25,0x00}, { 26,0x00}, { 27,0x00}, { 28,0x00}, { 29,0x00}, { 30,0x00}, { 31,0x00}, { 32,0x7F}, { 33,0x94}, { 34,0xC0}, { 35,0x36}, { 36,0x00}, { 37,0x00}, { 38,0x3F}, { 39,0x94}, { 40,0x00}, { 41,0x00}, { 42,0x7F}, { 43,0xFF}, { 44,0x00}, { 45,0x00}, { 46,0x00}, { 47,0x00}, { 48,0x00}, { 49,0x00}, { 50,0x00}, { 51,0x00}, { 52,0x7F}, { 53,0xFF}, { 54,0x00}, { 55,0x00}, { 56,0x00}, { 57,0x00}, { 58,0x00}, { 59,0x00}, { 60,0x00}, { 61,0x00}, { 62,0x13}, { 63,0xD8}, { 64,0x13}, { 65,0xD8}, { 66,0x13}, { 67,0xD8}, { 68,0x27}, { 69,0xB0}, { 70,0xE1}, { 71,0x3D}, { 72,0x00}, { 73,0x01}, { 74,0x00}, { 75,0x02}, { 76,0xFF}, { 77,0x9E}, { 78,0xF7}, { 79,0x10}, { 80,0x26}, { 81,0xF0}, { 82,0x02}, { 83,0x61}, { 84,0x40}, { 85,0x02}, { 86,0xFF}, { 87,0xFC}, { 88,0xFF}, { 89,0xFD}, { 90,0xFF}, { 91,0xE5}, { 92,0xFF}, { 93,0xA7}, { 94,0xFF}, { 95,0xC7}, { 96,0xFF}, { 97,0xCE}, { 98,0xFF}, { 99,0xFE}, {100,0xFE}, {101,0xF7}, {102,0xFF}, {103,0x46}, {104,0xFF}, {105,0x22}, {106,0xFF}, {107,0x0F}, {108,0xFA}, {109,0x8C}, {110,0xF5}, {111,0x08}, {112,0xFD}, {113,0x92}, {114,0xF3}, {115,0xA3}, {116,0x03}, {117,0xB3}, {118,0x00}, {119,0x33}, {120,0x00}, {121,0x71}, {122,0x40}, {123,0x60}, {124,0x00}, {125,0xE2}, {126,0x00}, {127,0xC6}, { 0,0x05}, { 2,0x0C}, { 3,0x7E}, { 4,0x0C}, { 5,0x7E}, { 6,0x0C}, { 7,0x7E}, { 8,0x3C}, { 9,0x55}, { 10,0xD5}, { 11,0x58}, { 12,0x0C}, { 13,0x7E}, { 14,0x0C}, { 15,0x7E}, { 16,0x0C}, { 17,0x7E}, { 18,0x3C}, { 19,0x55}, { 20,0xD5}, { 21,0x58}, { 22,0x0C}, { 23,0x7E}, { 24,0x0C}, { 25,0x7E}, { 26,0x0C}, { 27,0x7E}, { 28,0x3C}, { 29,0x55}, { 30,0xD5}, { 31,0x58}, { 32,0x06}, { 33,0x55}, { 34,0x06}, { 35,0x55}, { 36,0x06}, { 37,0x55}, { 38,0x51}, { 39,0xE4}, { 40,0xC2}, { 41,0xE1}, { 42,0x00}, { 43,0x87}, { 44,0x00}, { 45,0x0F}, { 46,0x00}, { 47,0x0A}, { 48,0x00}, { 49,0x02}, { 50,0x01}, { 51,0x81}, { 52,0x18}, { 53,0x89}, { 54,0x07}, { 55,0xFB}, { 56,0x03}, { 57,0xBE}, { 58,0x00}, { 59,0x49}, { 60,0xFF}, { 61,0xF2}, { 62,0xF9}, { 63,0xBA}, { 64,0xF9}, { 65,0x00}, { 66,0xFF}, { 67,0x68}, { 68,0xFE}, { 69,0x2C}, { 70,0xEB}, { 71,0x8D}, { 72,0x03}, { 73,0x83}, { 74,0x01}, { 75,0xC3}, { 76,0x00}, { 77,0xD3}, { 78,0x00}, { 79,0x33}, { 80,0x00}, { 81,0x02}, { 82,0x32}, { 83,0x08}, { 84,0x0A}, { 85,0xFA}, { 86,0x54}, { 87,0x7B}, { 88,0xFF}, { 89,0x6B}, { 90,0xFF}, { 91,0x03}, { 92,0xFC}, { 93,0xC6}, { 94,0xF5}, { 95,0x54}, { 96,0xF9}, { 97,0x64}, { 98,0x39}, { 99,0x80}, {100,0x03}, {101,0x1C}, {102,0x03}, {103,0x2F}, {104,0x00}, {105,0x67}, {106,0x0F}, {107,0x73}, {108,0x2C}, {109,0x2B}, {110,0x40}, {111,0x00}, {112,0xFF}, {113,0xFF}, {114,0x00}, {115,0x00}, {116,0x80}, {117,0x00}, {118,0x7F}, {119,0xFF}, {120,0x00}, {121,0x07}, {122,0x00}, {123,0x02}, {124,0x00}, {125,0x23}, { 0,0x20}, { 2,0x03}, { 3,0x77}, { 4,0xFF}, { 5,0x00}, { 6,0x00}, { 7,0x00}, { 8,0x00}, { 9,0x00}, { 10,0x00}, { 11,0x02}, { 12,0x00}, { 13,0xEA}, { 14,0x03}, { 15,0x77}, { 16,0x4E}, { 17,0x03}, { 18,0x08}, { 19,0xA0}, { 20,0x0D}, { 21,0x87}, { 22,0x9F}, { 23,0x02}, { 24,0x01}, { 25,0x9E}, { 26,0x03}, { 27,0x86}, { 28,0x9E}, { 29,0x0D}, { 30,0x89}, { 31,0xA2}, { 32,0x03}, { 33,0x8A}, { 34,0xA3}, { 35,0x03}, { 36,0x0D}, { 37,0xA3}, { 38,0x0D}, { 39,0x8C}, { 40,0xA2}, { 41,0x09}, { 42,0x8B}, { 43,0xA1}, { 44,0x0D}, { 45,0x8E}, { 46,0xA5}, { 47,0x03}, { 48,0x8F}, { 49,0xA6}, { 50,0x03}, { 51,0x17}, { 52,0xA6}, { 53,0x0D}, { 54,0x96}, { 55,0xA5}, { 56,0x09}, { 57,0x95}, { 58,0xA4}, { 59,0x0D}, { 60,0x98}, { 61,0xA8}, { 62,0x03}, { 63,0x99}, { 64,0xA9}, { 65,0x03}, { 66,0x1C}, { 67,0xA9}, { 68,0x0D}, { 69,0x9B}, { 70,0xA8}, { 71,0x09}, { 72,0x9A}, { 73,0xA7}, { 74,0x0D}, { 75,0x9D}, { 76,0xAB}, { 77,0x03}, { 78,0x9E}, { 79,0xAC}, { 80,0x03}, { 81,0x21}, { 82,0xAC}, { 83,0x0D}, { 84,0xA0}, { 85,0xAB}, { 86,0x09}, { 87,0x9F}, { 88,0xAA}, { 89,0x0D}, { 90,0xA2}, { 91,0xAE}, { 92,0x03}, { 93,0xA3}, { 94,0xAF}, { 95,0x00}, { 96,0x00}, { 97,0x00}, { 0,0x21}, { 2,0x00}, { 3,0x00}, { 4,0x00}, { 5,0x02}, { 6,0x00}, { 7,0xAD}, { 8,0x03}, { 9,0x7C}, { 10,0xEA}, { 11,0x00}, { 12,0x00}, { 13,0x00}, { 14,0x03}, { 15,0xF8}, { 16,0xEA}, { 17,0x08}, { 18,0x8B}, { 19,0xFE}, { 20,0x00}, { 21,0x00}, { 22,0x00}, { 23,0x03}, { 24,0x2A}, { 25,0x0C}, { 26,0x03}, { 27,0xA9}, { 28,0x07}, { 29,0x03}, { 30,0xA9}, { 31,0x03}, { 32,0x03}, { 33,0xA8}, { 34,0x08}, { 35,0x03}, { 36,0xA8}, { 37,0x02}, { 38,0x03}, { 39,0xA7}, { 40,0x01}, { 41,0x03}, { 42,0xA7}, { 43,0x09}, { 44,0x03}, { 45,0xA6}, { 46,0x0A}, { 47,0x0F}, { 48,0x26}, { 49,0x00}, { 50,0x03}, { 51,0x26}, { 52,0x59}, { 53,0x0F}, { 54,0xA6}, { 55,0x4F}, { 56,0x02}, { 57,0x00}, { 58,0x2A}, { 59,0x03}, { 60,0xA7}, { 61,0x50}, { 62,0x03}, { 63,0xA7}, { 64,0x58}, { 65,0x03}, { 66,0xA8}, { 67,0x57}, { 68,0x03}, { 69,0xA8}, { 70,0x51}, { 71,0x03}, { 72,0xA9}, { 73,0x56}, { 74,0x03}, { 75,0xA9}, { 76,0x52}, { 77,0x03}, { 78,0xAA}, { 79,0x5B}, { 80,0x03}, { 81,0x2B}, { 82,0x29}, { 83,0x03}, { 84,0xAB}, { 85,0x2A}, { 86,0x02}, { 87,0x00}, { 88,0x79}, { 89,0x03}, { 90,0xAC}, { 91,0x0E}, { 92,0x03}, { 93,0xAC}, { 94,0x45}, { 95,0x03}, { 96,0xAD}, { 97,0x2C}, { 0,0x22}, { 2,0x03}, { 3,0xAD}, { 4,0x27}, { 5,0x03}, { 6,0xAE}, { 7,0x2E}, { 8,0x03}, { 9,0xAE}, { 10,0x25}, { 11,0x03}, { 12,0xAF}, { 13,0x34}, { 14,0x03}, { 15,0xAF}, { 16,0x1F}, { 17,0x03}, { 18,0xB0}, { 19,0x11}, { 20,0x03}, { 21,0xB0}, { 22,0x42}, { 23,0x03}, { 24,0xB1}, { 25,0x0F}, { 26,0x03}, { 27,0xB1}, { 28,0x44}, { 29,0x03}, { 30,0xB2}, { 31,0x35}, { 32,0x03}, { 33,0xB2}, { 34,0x1E}, { 35,0x03}, { 36,0xB3}, { 37,0x30}, { 38,0x03}, { 39,0xB3}, { 40,0x23}, { 41,0x03}, { 42,0xB4}, { 43,0x13}, { 44,0x03}, { 45,0xB4}, { 46,0x40}, { 47,0x03}, { 48,0xB5}, { 49,0x32}, { 50,0x03}, { 51,0xB5}, { 52,0x21}, { 53,0x03}, { 54,0xB6}, { 55,0x17}, { 56,0x03}, { 57,0xB6}, { 58,0x3C}, { 59,0x03}, { 60,0xB7}, { 61,0x37}, { 62,0x03}, { 63,0xB7}, { 64,0x1C}, { 65,0x03}, { 66,0xB8}, { 67,0x15}, { 68,0x03}, { 69,0xB8}, { 70,0x3E}, { 71,0x03}, { 72,0xB9}, { 73,0x19}, { 74,0x03}, { 75,0xB9}, { 76,0x3A}, { 77,0x03}, { 78,0xBA}, { 79,0x16}, { 80,0x03}, { 81,0xBA}, { 82,0x3D}, { 83,0x03}, { 84,0xBB}, { 85,0x2D}, { 86,0x03}, { 87,0xBB}, { 88,0x26}, { 89,0x03}, { 90,0xBC}, { 91,0x12}, { 92,0x03}, { 93,0xBC}, { 94,0x41}, { 95,0x03}, { 96,0xBD}, { 97,0x38}, { 0,0x23}, { 2,0x03}, { 3,0xBD}, { 4,0x1B}, { 5,0x03}, { 6,0xBE}, { 7,0x31}, { 8,0x03}, { 9,0xBE}, { 10,0x22}, { 11,0x03}, { 12,0xBF}, { 13,0x33}, { 14,0x03}, { 15,0xBF}, { 16,0x20}, { 17,0x03}, { 18,0xD5}, { 19,0x2F}, { 20,0x03}, { 21,0xD5}, { 22,0x24}, { 23,0x03}, { 24,0xD6}, { 25,0x10}, { 26,0x03}, { 27,0xD6}, { 28,0x43}, { 29,0x03}, { 30,0xD7}, { 31,0x2B}, { 32,0x03}, { 33,0xD7}, { 34,0x28}, { 35,0x03}, { 36,0xD8}, { 37,0x0D}, { 38,0x03}, { 39,0xD8}, { 40,0x46}, { 41,0x03}, { 42,0xD9}, { 43,0x14}, { 44,0x03}, { 45,0xD9}, { 46,0x3F}, { 47,0x03}, { 48,0xDA}, { 49,0x1A}, { 50,0x03}, { 51,0xDA}, { 52,0x39}, { 53,0x03}, { 54,0xDB}, { 55,0x18}, { 56,0x03}, { 57,0xDB}, { 58,0x3B}, { 59,0x03}, { 60,0xDC}, { 61,0x36}, { 62,0x03}, { 63,0xDC}, { 64,0x1D}, { 65,0x00}, { 66,0x80}, { 67,0x0A}, { 68,0x05}, { 69,0x01}, { 70,0x00}, { 71,0x00}, { 72,0x81}, { 73,0x59}, { 74,0x05}, { 75,0x00}, { 76,0x00}, { 77,0x03}, { 78,0x04}, { 79,0x47}, { 80,0x03}, { 81,0x85}, { 82,0x49}, { 83,0x09}, { 84,0x83}, { 85,0x46}, { 86,0x06}, { 87,0x01}, { 88,0x49}, { 89,0x03}, { 90,0x82}, { 91,0x4B}, { 92,0x02}, { 93,0x80}, { 94,0x48}, { 95,0x06}, { 96,0x81}, { 97,0x48}, { 0,0x24}, { 2,0x00}, { 3,0x00}, { 4,0x00}, { 5,0x01}, { 6,0x82}, { 7,0x00}, { 8,0x02}, { 9,0x80}, { 10,0x4A}, { 11,0x03}, { 12,0x77}, { 13,0x9D}, { 14,0x03}, { 15,0x08}, { 16,0xB2}, { 17,0x0D}, { 18,0x87}, { 19,0xB1}, { 20,0x02}, { 21,0x01}, { 22,0xB0}, { 23,0x03}, { 24,0x86}, { 25,0xB0}, { 26,0x0D}, { 27,0x89}, { 28,0xB4}, { 29,0x03}, { 30,0x8A}, { 31,0xB5}, { 32,0x03}, { 33,0x0D}, { 34,0xB5}, { 35,0x0D}, { 36,0x8C}, { 37,0xB4}, { 38,0x09}, { 39,0x8B}, { 40,0xB3}, { 41,0x0D}, { 42,0x8E}, { 43,0xB7}, { 44,0x03}, { 45,0x8F}, { 46,0xB8}, { 47,0x03}, { 48,0x17}, { 49,0xB8}, { 50,0x0D}, { 51,0x96}, { 52,0xB7}, { 53,0x09}, { 54,0x95}, { 55,0xB6}, { 56,0x0D}, { 57,0x98}, { 58,0xBA}, { 59,0x03}, { 60,0x99}, { 61,0xBB}, { 62,0x03}, { 63,0x1C}, { 64,0xBB}, { 65,0x0D}, { 66,0x9B}, { 67,0xBA}, { 68,0x09}, { 69,0x9A}, { 70,0xB9}, { 71,0x0D}, { 72,0x9D}, { 73,0xBD}, { 74,0x03}, { 75,0x9E}, { 76,0xBE}, { 77,0x03}, { 78,0x21}, { 79,0xBE}, { 80,0x0D}, { 81,0xA0}, { 82,0xBD}, { 83,0x09}, { 84,0x9F}, { 85,0xBC}, { 86,0x0D}, { 87,0xA2}, { 88,0xC0}, { 89,0x03}, { 90,0xA3}, { 91,0xC1}, { 92,0x00}, { 93,0x00}, { 94,0x00}, { 95,0x00}, { 96,0x00}, { 97,0x00}, { 0,0x25}, { 2,0x02}, { 3,0x00}, { 4,0xBF}, { 5,0x03}, { 6,0x77}, { 7,0x4E}, { 8,0x03}, { 9,0x12}, { 10,0xC4}, { 11,0x0D}, { 12,0x91}, { 13,0xC3}, { 14,0x02}, { 15,0x01}, { 16,0xC2}, { 17,0x03}, { 18,0x90}, { 19,0xC2}, { 20,0x0D}, { 21,0x93}, { 22,0xC6}, { 23,0x03}, { 24,0x94}, { 25,0xC7}, { 26,0x03}, { 27,0x43}, { 28,0xC7}, { 29,0x0D}, { 30,0xC2}, { 31,0xC6}, { 32,0x09}, { 33,0xC1}, { 34,0xC5}, { 35,0x0D}, { 36,0xC4}, { 37,0xC9}, { 38,0x03}, { 39,0xC5}, { 40,0xCA}, { 41,0x03}, { 42,0x48}, { 43,0xCA}, { 44,0x0D}, { 45,0xC7}, { 46,0xC9}, { 47,0x09}, { 48,0xC6}, { 49,0xC8}, { 50,0x0D}, { 51,0xC9}, { 52,0xCC}, { 53,0x03}, { 54,0xCA}, { 55,0xCD}, { 56,0x03}, { 57,0x4D}, { 58,0xCD}, { 59,0x0D}, { 60,0xCC}, { 61,0xCC}, { 62,0x09}, { 63,0xCB}, { 64,0xCB}, { 65,0x0D}, { 66,0xCE}, { 67,0xCF}, { 68,0x03}, { 69,0xCF}, { 70,0xD0}, { 71,0x03}, { 72,0x52}, { 73,0xD0}, { 74,0x0D}, { 75,0xD1}, { 76,0xCF}, { 77,0x09}, { 78,0xD0}, { 79,0xCE}, { 80,0x0D}, { 81,0xD3}, { 82,0xD2}, { 83,0x03}, { 84,0xD4}, { 85,0xD3}, { 86,0x00}, { 87,0x00}, { 88,0x00}, { 89,0x00}, { 90,0x00}, { 91,0x00}, { 92,0x02}, { 93,0x00}, { 94,0xD1}, { 95,0x03}, { 96,0x77}, { 97,0x9D}, { 0,0x26}, { 2,0x03}, { 3,0x12}, { 4,0xD6}, { 5,0x0D}, { 6,0x91}, { 7,0xD5}, { 8,0x02}, { 9,0x01}, { 10,0xD4}, { 11,0x03}, { 12,0x90}, { 13,0xD4}, { 14,0x0D}, { 15,0x93}, { 16,0xD8}, { 17,0x03}, { 18,0x94}, { 19,0xD9}, { 20,0x03}, { 21,0x43}, { 22,0xD9}, { 23,0x0D}, { 24,0xC2}, { 25,0xD8}, { 26,0x09}, { 27,0xC1}, { 28,0xD7}, { 29,0x0D}, { 30,0xC4}, { 31,0xDB}, { 32,0x03}, { 33,0xC5}, { 34,0xDC}, { 35,0x03}, { 36,0x48}, { 37,0xDC}, { 38,0x0D}, { 39,0xC7}, { 40,0xDB}, { 41,0x09}, { 42,0xC6}, { 43,0xDA}, { 44,0x0D}, { 45,0xC9}, { 46,0xDE}, { 47,0x03}, { 48,0xCA}, { 49,0xDF}, { 50,0x03}, { 51,0x4D}, { 52,0xDF}, { 53,0x0D}, { 54,0xCC}, { 55,0xDE}, { 56,0x09}, { 57,0xCB}, { 58,0xDD}, { 59,0x0D}, { 60,0xCE}, { 61,0xE1}, { 62,0x03}, { 63,0xCF}, { 64,0xE2}, { 65,0x03}, { 66,0x52}, { 67,0xE2}, { 68,0x0D}, { 69,0xD1}, { 70,0xE1}, { 71,0x09}, { 72,0xD0}, { 73,0xE0}, { 74,0x0D}, { 75,0xD3}, { 76,0xE4}, { 77,0x03}, { 78,0xD4}, { 79,0xE5}, { 80,0x00}, { 81,0x00}, { 82,0x00}, { 83,0x00}, { 84,0x00}, { 85,0x00}, { 86,0x02}, { 87,0x00}, { 88,0xE3}, { 89,0x03}, { 90,0x78}, { 91,0xEA}, { 92,0x08}, { 93,0x24}, { 94,0xEA}, { 95,0x03}, { 96,0xF8}, { 97,0xEA}, { 0,0x27}, { 2,0x08}, { 3,0x24}, { 4,0xEA}, { 5,0x08}, { 6,0x84}, { 7,0x05}, { 8,0x00}, { 9,0x00}, { 10,0x00}, { 11,0x08}, { 12,0x84}, { 13,0x08}, { 14,0x03}, { 15,0x79}, { 16,0xEA}, { 17,0x00}, { 18,0x00}, { 19,0x00}, { 20,0x08}, { 21,0x80}, { 22,0x08}, { 23,0x00}, { 24,0x00}, { 25,0x00}, { 26,0x00}, { 27,0x00}, { 28,0x00}, { 29,0x03}, { 30,0x77}, { 31,0xAD}, { 32,0x03}, { 33,0x77}, { 34,0xBF}, { 35,0x08}, { 36,0x80}, { 37,0x03}, { 38,0x03}, { 39,0x77}, { 40,0xD1}, { 41,0x03}, { 42,0x77}, { 43,0xE3}, { 44,0x08}, { 45,0x80}, { 46,0x00}, { 47,0x02}, { 48,0x01}, { 49,0xE6}, { 50,0x02}, { 51,0x01}, { 52,0xE7}, { 53,0x03}, { 54,0x78}, { 55,0xEA}, { 56,0x08}, { 57,0x25}, { 58,0xEA}, { 59,0x03}, { 60,0xF8}, { 61,0xEA}, { 62,0x08}, { 63,0x25}, { 64,0xEA}, { 65,0x08}, { 66,0x84}, { 67,0x05}, { 68,0x00}, { 69,0x00}, { 70,0x00}, { 71,0x08}, { 72,0x84}, { 73,0x08}, { 74,0x03}, { 75,0x79}, { 76,0xEA}, { 77,0x00}, { 78,0x00}, { 79,0x00}, { 80,0x08}, { 81,0x80}, { 82,0x08}, { 83,0x00}, { 84,0x00}, { 85,0x00}, { 86,0x00}, { 87,0x00}, { 88,0x00}, { 89,0x03}, { 90,0x77}, { 91,0x4E}, { 92,0x03}, { 93,0x77}, { 94,0x9D}, { 95,0x08}, { 96,0x80}, { 97,0x03}, { 0,0x28}, { 2,0x03}, { 3,0x77}, { 4,0xE6}, { 5,0x03}, { 6,0x77}, { 7,0xE7}, { 8,0x08}, { 9,0x80}, { 10,0x00}, { 11,0x02}, { 12,0x01}, { 13,0xE8}, { 14,0x02}, { 15,0x01}, { 16,0xE9}, { 17,0x03}, { 18,0x77}, { 19,0xE8}, { 20,0x03}, { 21,0x77}, { 22,0xE9}, { 23,0x01}, { 24,0x80}, { 25,0x03}, { 26,0x01}, { 27,0x81}, { 28,0x03}, { 29,0x03}, { 30,0x7D}, { 31,0xEA}, { 32,0x00}, { 33,0x00}, { 34,0x00}, { 35,0x03}, { 36,0xF8}, { 37,0xEA}, { 38,0x08}, { 39,0x8B}, { 40,0xFE}, { 41,0x03}, { 42,0x2A}, { 43,0x54}, { 44,0x03}, { 45,0xA9}, { 46,0x4F}, { 47,0x03}, { 48,0xA9}, { 49,0x58}, { 50,0x03}, { 51,0xA8}, { 52,0x50}, { 53,0x03}, { 54,0xA8}, { 55,0x57}, { 56,0x03}, { 57,0xA7}, { 58,0x56}, { 59,0x03}, { 60,0xA7}, { 61,0x51}, { 62,0x03}, { 63,0xA6}, { 64,0x52}, { 65,0x0F}, { 66,0xA6}, { 67,0x55}, { 68,0x03}, { 69,0x26}, { 70,0x03}, { 71,0x0F}, { 72,0x26}, { 73,0x06}, { 74,0x02}, { 75,0x00}, { 76,0x5B}, { 77,0x03}, { 78,0xA7}, { 79,0x07}, { 80,0x03}, { 81,0xA7}, { 82,0x02}, { 83,0x03}, { 84,0xA8}, { 85,0x01}, { 86,0x03}, { 87,0xA8}, { 88,0x08}, { 89,0x03}, { 90,0xA9}, { 91,0x00}, { 92,0x03}, { 93,0xA9}, { 94,0x09}, { 95,0x03}, { 96,0xAA}, { 97,0x05}, { 0,0x29}, { 2,0x03}, { 3,0x2B}, { 4,0x78}, { 5,0x03}, { 6,0xAB}, { 7,0x79}, { 8,0x02}, { 9,0x00}, { 10,0x0C}, { 11,0x03}, { 12,0xAC}, { 13,0x5D}, { 14,0x03}, { 15,0xAC}, { 16,0x94}, { 17,0x03}, { 18,0xAD}, { 19,0x7B}, { 20,0x03}, { 21,0xAD}, { 22,0x76}, { 23,0x03}, { 24,0xAE}, { 25,0x7D}, { 26,0x03}, { 27,0xAE}, { 28,0x74}, { 29,0x03}, { 30,0xAF}, { 31,0x83}, { 32,0x03}, { 33,0xAF}, { 34,0x6E}, { 35,0x03}, { 36,0xB0}, { 37,0x60}, { 38,0x03}, { 39,0xB0}, { 40,0x91}, { 41,0x03}, { 42,0xB1}, { 43,0x5E}, { 44,0x03}, { 45,0xB1}, { 46,0x93}, { 47,0x03}, { 48,0xB2}, { 49,0x84}, { 50,0x03}, { 51,0xB2}, { 52,0x6D}, { 53,0x03}, { 54,0xB3}, { 55,0x7F}, { 56,0x03}, { 57,0xB3}, { 58,0x72}, { 59,0x03}, { 60,0xB4}, { 61,0x62}, { 62,0x03}, { 63,0xB4}, { 64,0x8F}, { 65,0x03}, { 66,0xB5}, { 67,0x81}, { 68,0x03}, { 69,0xB5}, { 70,0x70}, { 71,0x03}, { 72,0xB6}, { 73,0x66}, { 74,0x03}, { 75,0xB6}, { 76,0x8B}, { 77,0x03}, { 78,0xB7}, { 79,0x86}, { 80,0x03}, { 81,0xB7}, { 82,0x6B}, { 83,0x03}, { 84,0xB8}, { 85,0x64}, { 86,0x03}, { 87,0xB8}, { 88,0x8D}, { 89,0x03}, { 90,0xB9}, { 91,0x68}, { 92,0x03}, { 93,0xB9}, { 94,0x89}, { 95,0x03}, { 96,0xBA}, { 97,0x65}, { 0,0x2A}, { 2,0x03}, { 3,0xBA}, { 4,0x8C}, { 5,0x03}, { 6,0xBB}, { 7,0x7C}, { 8,0x03}, { 9,0xBB}, { 10,0x75}, { 11,0x03}, { 12,0xBC}, { 13,0x61}, { 14,0x03}, { 15,0xBC}, { 16,0x90}, { 17,0x03}, { 18,0xBD}, { 19,0x87}, { 20,0x03}, { 21,0xBD}, { 22,0x6A}, { 23,0x03}, { 24,0xBE}, { 25,0x80}, { 26,0x03}, { 27,0xBE}, { 28,0x71}, { 29,0x03}, { 30,0xBF}, { 31,0x82}, { 32,0x03}, { 33,0xBF}, { 34,0x6F}, { 35,0x03}, { 36,0xD5}, { 37,0x7E}, { 38,0x03}, { 39,0xD5}, { 40,0x73}, { 41,0x03}, { 42,0xD6}, { 43,0x5F}, { 44,0x03}, { 45,0xD6}, { 46,0x92}, { 47,0x03}, { 48,0xD7}, { 49,0x7A}, { 50,0x03}, { 51,0xD7}, { 52,0x77}, { 53,0x03}, { 54,0xD8}, { 55,0x5C}, { 56,0x03}, { 57,0xD8}, { 58,0x95}, { 59,0x03}, { 60,0xD9}, { 61,0x63}, { 62,0x03}, { 63,0xD9}, { 64,0x8E}, { 65,0x03}, { 66,0xDA}, { 67,0x69}, { 68,0x03}, { 69,0xDA}, { 70,0x88}, { 71,0x03}, { 72,0xDB}, { 73,0x67}, { 74,0x03}, { 75,0xDB}, { 76,0x8A}, { 77,0x03}, { 78,0xDC}, { 79,0x85}, { 80,0x03}, { 81,0xDC}, { 82,0x6C}, { 83,0x00}, { 84,0x00}, { 85,0x00}, { 86,0x05}, { 87,0x03}, { 88,0x00}, { 89,0x00}, { 90,0x00}, { 91,0x00}, { 92,0x05}, { 93,0x02}, { 94,0x00}, { 95,0x03}, { 96,0x04}, { 97,0x96}, { 0,0x2B}, { 2,0x03}, { 3,0x85}, { 4,0x98}, { 5,0x09}, { 6,0x83}, { 7,0x95}, { 8,0x06}, { 9,0x01}, { 10,0x98}, { 11,0x03}, { 12,0x82}, { 13,0x9A}, { 14,0x02}, { 15,0x80}, { 16,0x97}, { 17,0x06}, { 18,0x81}, { 19,0x97}, { 20,0x05}, { 21,0x85}, { 22,0x97}, { 23,0x01}, { 24,0x83}, { 25,0x00}, { 26,0x02}, { 27,0x80}, { 28,0x99}, { 29,0x05}, { 30,0x84}, { 31,0x48}, { 32,0x00}, { 33,0x00}, { 34,0x00}, { 35,0x02}, { 36,0x3F}, { 37,0x9C}, { 38,0x02}, { 39,0x3F}, { 40,0x4D}, { 41,0x03}, { 42,0x7E}, { 43,0xEA}, { 44,0x00}, { 45,0x00}, { 46,0x00}, { 47,0x03}, { 48,0xF8}, { 49,0xEA}, { 50,0x08}, { 51,0x8B}, { 52,0xFE}, { 53,0x00}, { 54,0x00}, { 55,0x00}, { 56,0x00}, { 57,0x80}, { 58,0x03}, { 59,0x00}, { 60,0x81}, { 61,0x52}, { 62,0x00}, { 63,0x00}, { 64,0x00}, { 65,0x08}, { 66,0x81}, { 67,0xFF}, { 68,0x00}, { 69,0x00}, { 70,0x00}, { 71,0x00}, { 72,0x00}, { 73,0x00}, { 74,0x00}, { 75,0x00}, { 76,0x00}, { 77,0x00}, { 78,0x00}, { 79,0x00}, { 80,0x00}, { 81,0x00}, { 82,0x00}, { 83,0x00}, { 84,0x00}, { 85,0x00}, { 86,0x00}, { 87,0x00}, { 88,0x00}, { 89,0x00}, { 90,0x00}, { 91,0x00}, { 92,0x00}, { 93,0x00}, { 94,0x00}, { 95,0x00}, { 96,0x00}, { 97,0x00}, { 0,0x2C}, { 2,0x00}, { 3,0x00}, { 4,0x00}, { 5,0x00}, { 6,0x00}, { 7,0x00}, { 8,0x00}, { 9,0x00}, { 10,0x00}, { 11,0x00}, { 12,0x00}, { 13,0x00}, { 14,0x00}, { 15,0x00}, { 16,0x00}, { 17,0x00}, { 18,0x00}, { 19,0x00}, { 20,0x00}, { 21,0x00}, { 22,0x00}, { 23,0x00}, { 24,0x00}, { 25,0x00}, { 26,0x00}, { 27,0x00}, { 28,0x00}, { 29,0x00}, { 30,0x00}, { 31,0x00}, { 32,0x00}, { 33,0x00}, { 34,0x00}, { 35,0x00}, { 36,0x00}, { 37,0x00}, { 38,0x00}, { 39,0x00}, { 40,0x00}, { 41,0x00}, { 42,0x00}, { 43,0x00}, { 44,0x00}, { 45,0x00}, { 46,0x00}, { 47,0x00}, { 48,0x00}, { 49,0x00}, { 50,0x00}, { 51,0x00}, { 52,0x00}, { 53,0x00}, { 54,0x00}, { 55,0x00}, { 56,0x00}, { 57,0x00}, { 58,0x00}, { 59,0x00}, { 60,0x00}, { 61,0x00}, { 62,0x00}, { 63,0x00}, { 64,0x00}, { 65,0x00}, { 66,0x00}, { 67,0x00}, { 68,0x00}, { 69,0x00}, { 70,0x00}, { 71,0x00}, { 72,0x00}, { 73,0x00}, { 74,0x00}, { 75,0x00}, { 76,0x00}, { 77,0x00}, { 78,0x00}, { 79,0x00}, { 80,0x00}, { 81,0x00}, { 82,0x00}, { 83,0x00}, { 84,0x00}, { 85,0x00}, { 86,0x00}, { 87,0x00}, { 88,0x00}, { 89,0x00}, { 90,0x00}, { 91,0x00}, { 92,0x00}, { 93,0x00}, { 94,0x00}, { 95,0x00}, { 96,0x00}, { 97,0x00}, { 0,0x2D}, { 2,0x00}, { 3,0x00}, { 4,0x00}, { 5,0x00}, { 6,0x00}, { 7,0x00}, { 8,0x00}, { 9,0x00}, { 10,0x00}, { 11,0x00}, { 12,0x00}, { 13,0x00}, { 14,0x00}, { 15,0x00}, { 16,0x00}, { 17,0x00}, { 18,0x00}, { 19,0x00}, { 20,0x00}, { 21,0x00}, { 22,0x00}, { 23,0x00}, { 24,0x00}, { 25,0x00}, { 26,0x00}, { 27,0x00}, { 28,0x00}, { 29,0x00}, { 30,0x00}, { 31,0x00}, { 32,0x00}, { 33,0x00}, { 34,0x00}, { 35,0x00}, { 36,0x00}, { 37,0x00}, { 38,0x00}, { 39,0x00}, { 40,0x00}, { 41,0x00}, { 42,0x00}, { 43,0x00}, { 44,0x00}, { 45,0x00}, { 46,0x00}, { 47,0x00}, { 48,0x00}, { 49,0x00}, { 50,0x00}, { 51,0x00}, { 52,0x00}, { 53,0x00}, { 54,0x00}, { 55,0x00}, { 56,0x00}, { 57,0x00}, { 58,0x00}, { 59,0x00}, { 60,0x00}, { 61,0x00}, { 62,0x00}, { 63,0x00}, { 64,0x00}, { 65,0x00}, { 66,0x00}, { 67,0x00}, { 68,0x00}, { 69,0x00}, { 70,0x00}, { 71,0x00}, { 72,0x00}, { 73,0x00}, { 74,0x00}, { 75,0x00}, { 76,0x00}, { 77,0x00}, { 78,0x00}, { 79,0x00}, { 80,0x00}, { 81,0x00}, { 82,0x00}, { 83,0x00}, { 84,0x00}, { 85,0x00}, { 86,0x00}, { 87,0x00}, { 88,0x00}, { 89,0x00}, { 90,0x00}, { 91,0x00}, { 92,0x00}, { 93,0x00}, { 94,0x00}, { 95,0x00}, { 96,0x00}, { 97,0x00}, { 0,0x2E}, { 2,0x00}, { 3,0x00}, { 4,0x00}, { 5,0x00}, { 6,0x00}, { 7,0x00}, { 8,0x00}, { 9,0x00}, { 10,0x00}, { 11,0x00}, { 12,0x00}, { 13,0x00}, { 14,0x00}, { 15,0x00}, { 16,0x00}, { 17,0x00}, { 18,0x00}, { 19,0x00}, { 20,0x00}, { 21,0x00}, { 22,0x00}, { 23,0x00}, { 24,0x00}, { 25,0x00}, { 26,0x00}, { 27,0x00}, { 28,0x00}, { 29,0x00}, { 30,0x00}, { 31,0x00}, { 32,0x00}, { 33,0x00}, { 34,0x00}, { 35,0x00}, { 36,0x00}, { 37,0x00}, { 38,0x00}, { 39,0x00}, { 40,0x00}, { 41,0x00}, { 42,0x00}, { 43,0x00}, { 44,0x00}, { 45,0x00}, { 46,0x00}, { 47,0x00}, { 48,0x00}, { 49,0x00}, { 50,0x00}, { 51,0x00}, { 52,0x00}, { 53,0x00}, { 54,0x00}, { 55,0x00}, { 56,0x00}, { 57,0x00}, { 58,0x00}, { 59,0x00}, { 60,0x00}, { 61,0x00}, { 62,0x00}, { 63,0x00}, { 64,0x00}, { 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  • Hi, Dongbao,

    Thanks for the code, however, it is complicated to identify the process followed to change the filter. I assume you are using PurePath Studio to configure the miniDSP of the part, is this right? Can you please describe the process to update the filter?, actually, can you please specify which is the filter you are trying to update?. 

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Hi Diego,

    Customer use MCU to configure the filter, not PPS. As i talked before, customer would like to change page 4 reg73 and reg74 to filter out higer frequency signal, is that correct to use page 4 reg73&74?
    Please find below process to update the filter:
    {0, 0x0}, //change to page 0
    {81, 0x2}, //power down adc
    {254, 0x5}, //delay 5 ms
    {0, 0x4}, // change to page 4
    {73, 0x2}, // @8k , set reg 73 : 0x02 ; @16k ,set reg :0x01
    {75, 0x2}, // @8k or @16k : set reg 75: 0x02 ;
    {0, 0x0}, //change to page 0
    {81, 0xc2}, // power up adc
  • Hi, Dongbao, 

    I apologize for the confusion, I notice now that the filter update was the 1st order IIR. All the coefficients for the 1st order Low-pass filter should be updated, but it seems only a couple are being updated, specifically the LSB's of coefficients N0 and N1 of the right channel. Is this what customer is targeting?. Can you please share the formula used by customer to come to the conclusion of just changing the mentioned registers?.  

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Hi Diego,
    Yes, customer just want to change some of the low pass filter. We solve the problem by keeping clock on because the low pass filter can not be changed after shuting down the clock.
  • Hi,Dongbao,

    Thanks for the feedback. As reference, the miniDSP of this device requires the system clock to be running in order to make any change on the processing. Please let me know if you still have issues.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer