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TAS5707EVM: Audio Band Lowpass Filtering Observed on Amplifier Output

Part Number: TAS5707EVM

I'm observing audio band lowpass filtering on the outputs of two TAS5707EVM boards I am working with. Are there config parameters in the TAS570x GDE besides the BiQuads that could be causing this behavior?

The EVM boards are unaltered, and this behavior is observed with all BiQuads set to "All Pass". There is no other filtering in my signal path. My MC57xxPSIA config is correct for analog input according to TI documentation.

I've attached a frequency response plot generated from an AP, with the amps connected across 8Ohm dummy loads. The traces on the bottom of the plot are the TAS5707EVM boards. For reference, the traces at the top of the plot (normalized to 0dB) are frequency response measurements of a Crown CT875 amp connected across 8Ohm dummy loads, with the exact same setup.