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PCM2900: PCM2900 Vcom Iout

Part Number: PCM2900


I am facing an issue with the Vcom pin which is not able to deliver enough current. I am not using a lot ~ 100uA

I was wondering two things:

1) What is the maximum current I may sink from this pin.

2)May I provide to this pin an external voltage reference? Or should I provide an external voltage reference to the Vccci pin and then use the Vcom (and expect to get enough current)?



  • Hi, Nicolas,

    We don't have the Vcom sourcing current spec as this pin is intended to be used as the decoupling point for the internal reference voltage or the reference for input stage buffer only. Providing an external voltage reference to this pin is not recommended as it may damage the internal regulators of the part. What kind of circuitry are you powering from Vcom pin?.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Hi Diego

    Thanks for your reply

    I connect the Vcom pin to AOP inputs and to an resistors network. Values of the resistors are quite high. Equivalent resistor value is ~60K [Ohm].

    By adapting the value, equivalent resistor value equals to ~810 K [Ohm] Vcom manages to reach 1.5[V].

    This is still not good.

    I will try with an AOP in follower mode.

