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TLV320ADC3101: SPH6045 digital mic and BT-MSPAUDSOURCE

Part Number: TLV320ADC3101
Had a thought on how to hook a SPH0645 digital I2S mic BT-MSPAUDSOURCE. I had a comment yesterday that pointed out I could bypass the TLV320ADC3101 because the mic outputs I2S. I took another look at the schematic for the BT-MSPAUDSOURCE. It appears there are 3 jumpers in the in the traces from pin 1, 2 and 3 of the TLV320. These are DOUT, WCLK and BCLK. With the jumpers removed, it looks like I may be able to connect the mic to the evaluation board at these points. This would connect the I2S mic directly to the MSP430, I think. I would appreciate any thoughts or comments on this approach. Thank you very much for the replies. Dave