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TAS5755M: TAS5755M: 2.1 Application

Part Number: TAS5755M


        I have some question in using TAS5755M's.

        In 2.1 application, the application Diagram as below:

        when the application of the 2.1 mode is as follows,

        is the output of the power amplifier OUT_A and OUT_B output positive or negative?

        In addition, is the out_C and out_D which positive or negative?


    In 2.1 mode, the register 0x25 is set to the value 0x01-01-32-45. The L+(left channel) signal is assigned to OUTA, the R+(right channel) signal is assigned to OUTB, S+(subwoofer channel) signal is assigned to OUTC and S-(the negtive subwoofer channel) is assigned to OUTD.
    Best regards,
    Shawn Zheng