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TLV320AIC3110: TLV320AIC3110

Part Number: TLV320AIC3110

Dear Sir,

 The location of beep generator as below, right?

we found the abnormal signal when we play 1KHz by beep(On customer unit).

However, when we play 1KHz.wav, the signal is normal.(On customer unit)

We guess that issue from the beep generator…, do you have idea about it?

Thanks, Ian.

  • Hi Ian,

    The stepped sine wave is normal for the Beep generator. The original purpose for the beep was key clicks and alert tones and a perfect sine wave was not necessary. the speaker/headphone will smooth this stepping out to some degree.

    best regards,
    -Steve Wilson
  • Dear Steve,

    However, I measured the signal from evaluation kit, it is smooth from below beep generator…

    Any I misunderstanding?

    Thanks, Ian.

  • Ian,

    This will depend on the Fs. on the evaluation kit, I believe it is 44.1khz or 48khz, what is your customer's Fs?

    best regards,
    -Steve Wilson
  • Dear Steve,

    Thanks and we confirm it.

    Another question,

    We modified the MCLK and ADC Fs rate as below table, but frequency not changed by measuring on the evaluation kit TP3/TP7…. (TP3 MCLK is 11.3MHz, TP7 WCLK is 44.1KHz)

    How to confirm that change implement to the codec on EVM?

    Thanks, Ian.

  • The GUI does not change the clocks provided to the TLV320AIC3110EVM. This is a firmware change. Changing the firmware is a bit of a pain, but it is possible. Have you used DFUTEST before?

    best regards,
    -Steve Wilson
  • Dear Steve,
    If the Fs cause the abnormal signal issue, some question need your help to clarify:
    • What Fs (or the range) cause the abnormal signal issue?
    • What is the recommend setting or the request for MCLK, BCLK, and WCLK?
    • The request for the MCLK duty cycle?

    Thanks, Ian.
  • Ian,

    the Stepping in the sine wave will be at 1/Fs. so if you have a 1khz sine wave and your Fs = 8khz, you will see some very significant steps. alternatively if your Fs = 44.1khz, and your beep frequency = 10khz, you will also have significant steps.

    I don't have recommended settings for MCLK,BCLK, or WCLK. but if they want a sine wave which doesn't have such large stepping, they should choose an Fs which is 20-40 times the beep frequency.

    MCLK duty cycle should always be 50%.

    best regards,
    -Steve Wilson
  • Dear Steve,

    Here is the setting of the codec related clock… have any comment?  Thanks!!!



    Single tone by beep generator

    Audio playback (1KHz.wav file)


    25M Hz

    25M Hz


    48K Hz

    44.1K Hz





    Stepping sine waveform

    Normal sine wave

    Thanks, Ian.

  • Ian,

    To be absolutely clear. The beep generator will Always have stepping. But at 48khz, a 1 khz tone has very small steps, and the speaker will act as a LPF and smooth those steps out. The beep generator is intended to be used for key clicks and things of that nature, which do not require a pure tone. compare that to a 10khz tone the stepping much greater.

    playing a 1khz .wav file will not result in any stepping as the DSP is not creating that signal.

    If you would like a pure sine wave, the AIC3111 has the ability to use the programmable miniDSP and there is a Tone Generator block which can create a pure sine wave. so if the stepping is a critical issue, this is another way to resolve it.

    best regards,
    -Steve Wilson
  • Dear Steve,
    Thanks for your greatly help but still have one more question… Have the distortion issue for high frequency single tone?
    For example, the stepping of sine wave would be 1/Fs, the waveform of 10KHz tone with the stepping much greater than 1KHz, the stepping would cause the distortion issue? And this distortion could’t be avoided unless we change another codec, right?
    Thanks, Ian.
  • Ian,

    This stepping issue is only for the Beep Generator. If you provide a 10kHz tone to the DIN, the output will be a normal 10kHz tone.

    -Steve Wilson
  • Dear Steve,

    Got it, so, have the distortion from beep generator, for example, when playing 10KHz tone from beep generator, but we listen may not like an 10KHz tone, that’s what I want to confirm…thanks

    Thanks, Ian.

  • Ian,

    the 10khz tone sounds ok actually. The speaker will act as a LPF and for a short tone, the human ear doesn't necessarily detect much of a difference.

    If your customer really wants a more pure sine wave, The AIC3111 can produce that using the tone generator in the miniDSP. The AIC3111 is pin to pin compatible with the AIC3110, and the register map is the same. So this would not be hard to do.

    best regards,
    -STeve Wilson
  • Dear Steve,
    We got aic3111 samples and need to modify the driver to let the single tone(1KHz, 2KHz, ….) from programable miniDSP, not from beep generator, is it?
    How can we let it work? Any register need setting?
    Thanks, Ian.
  • Ian,

    Download Purepath Studio,  This will allow you to program the MiniDSP.  you will need to put together some kind of process flow. I assume they will still want to mix the Audio from the ADC, the Audio from the I2S and the Tone?  

    once they create a process flow they can Build the project, and generate the code.  the tone generator block has 3 runtime properties - status, Frequency, and Amplitude.  

    if frequency and Amplitude are constant, they the status register is all they will need to change.  

    I've taken a quick screenshot of the Tone Generator block and its properties.  let me know if you need some help getting the miniDSP programmed.   I assume you have used Purepath Studio before?

    best regards,

    -Steve Wilson