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PCM2707C: TAS2770, PCM2707C

Part Number: PCM2707C

Dear Sir.

I have already asked one question two weeks ago..  My question was I wanted to design a speaker amplifier using DIR9001 + TAS2770.

And I got an answer from TI's staff that I have to use one microprocessor to control the TAS2770 internal register to design a speaker amplifier using DIR9001 + TAS2770.

But I don't want to design with new microprocessor to control the TAS2770, so I have been seach a new topology for speaker amplifier.

During studying TI audio chips, I found a new methodology using PCM2707C + TAS2770.

If possible I want to design a speaker amplifier using PCM2707C+TAS2770 chips.

Unfortunetely, my motherboard for our product(KIOSK Terminal) it supports headphone and SPDIF out only, If I design with SPDIF it need a I2C master bus.

That's why I try to design a speaker amplifier using PCM2707C +TAS2770.

Actually I already designed a speaker amplifier using the headphone out, but the sound quality was very bad.

That's why I'm finding a new audio amplifier to improve the sound quality.

I think, If I design new speaker amplifire using PCM2707C +TAS2770, it does not need a microprocessor to control the TAS2770's internal register?

And if I can design using PCM2707C +TAS2770 without microprocessor, could you give me  design information?

Thanks and Regards,

Maan Oe Park. from Korea.

September 18, 2018.

  • Hi Mann Oe Park,

    The PCM2707C only has SPDIF output, but not a SPDIF input. Is your system able to have a USB based audio output? If so, then you could potentially use the PCM2707C+TAS2770. The TAS2770 is a digital input amplifier which requires I2S/TDM input, so the PCM will need to be configured to use the function outputs to be I2S with the FSEL pin. You should be able to experiment with this configuration using the PCM2707C EVM.

  • Dear Paul.

    Thank you for quick answer about my question.

    I understood, I can design a speaker amplifier using PCM2707C+TAS2770.

    Yes my motherboard have a lot of USB ports, and I will use the USB port for speaker amplifier.

    And reason why I want to design a speaker amplifier using the TAS2770 because I want to design it as a fully digital type speaker amplifier.

    After finished design this amplifier, I will plug in to my motherboard's USB port and 12V power for TAS2770.

    Can I ask a help from Korea branch or distributor for this?

    Thanks and Regards,

    Maan Oe Park

    September 18, 2018.

  • Good to hear. I have sent you a friend request - please forward me your email address and I will notify our Korea branch.

  • Dear Paul.

    Thank you for your support.

    My email address is or

    Actually my english name is Mario Park.

    A few years ago I was register in TI by English pronunced Korean name.

    Thanks a lot.

    September 19, 2018 from Korea.

  • Hi Mario,

    thank you for contacting TI. do you have official disty which you have been contacted?
    or please let me know your mobile phone or contact me 010-9184-7484