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Wireless speaker system using CC8521 and TLV320AIC3204

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC8521, CC8531, TLV320AIC3204, PCM5102A, PCM1795, PCM1794A

Hello, I am willing to build wireless audio speaker system using TI products. Best audio quality is my goal.

As I understand it should be sufficient to have CC8521 (CC8531) to be able to connect to PC USB and stream wireless digital audio to two speakers. Each speaker will have DAC to convert audio to analog signal + active audio amplification will be implemented.

I have chosen to test my topology using EVAL board - CC85XXDK-HEADSET

Thinking about audio quality, do you have better DAC solution than TLV320AIC3204 used in this board?

Thank you!

  • Hi, Sigitas,

    Welcome to E2E, thanks for your interest in our products. 

    Regarding your question, all of our portable codecs features a similar performance to the AIC3204, but we have netter-performance DACs in our portfolio. Can you please share more details about your application, like desired performance, power rail options or desired power consumption?, that way we can suggest the best device for your application.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Thank you for a fast reply. Premium sound quality is a priority number one. Its not a portable device, so I am not limited with power consumption.  As a USB interface and transmitter will use 5V USB power with low noise buck if needed. Slave (receiver) will be powered via mains, PSU will convert to required voltages. I am thinking to use preamp too.

    I do have a lack of knowledge with digital audio, so I would prefer to have an easier solution (dont want to use custom microcontroller with additional firmware).

    With eval board that I have checked it is possible to get 24bit resolution at 192kHz, wireless link being a bottleneck. Not sure about other parameters here that will affect sound quality.

    Analog part of amplification - not decided, probably class AB amplifiers.

  • Hi Sigitas,

    You could take a look at the PCM5102A for the DAC as a simple, yet high performance solution. Otherwise you could look at some of our higher performance devices, but they require a current to voltage converter stage as well, like the PCM1794A, PCM1795.

  • Thank you for the answers and suggested products!