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DRV134: Thermal resistance for the DRV134

Part Number: DRV134

Hi team,

could you please help me to get more details of the thermal resistance for the DRV134.
Into the datasheet there is only the Theta-JA
Partnumber(Manuf)    JB (°C/W)     JC (°C/W)     Tjf (°C)     Tjmax (°C)
DRV134UA                        ?                    ?            125            150

Thanks in advance for your help.



  • Pol

    This part was not characterized for junction to case and junction to board thermal resistance. That's not much of a problem though, because the difference between JA, JC and JB is probably very small. In these plastic parts the majority of the heat dissipation is through the leads and not the case. That's why the Theta JA differs between the different cases; the leads have different surface area.

