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LM4810: LM4810 Mono

Part Number: LM4810

Hello all,

This may be a dumb question but figured I'd ask it so I didn't end up with weirdo problems.

Can the LM4810 be used in mono mode?  That is, one channel of audio headed to a single headphone.  I had assume just leave vin2/vout2 N/C but I couldn't find anywhere in the data sheet that confirmed this.

I recognize that I could take a single channel op-amp and do similar. However, I believe the few extra cents are well worth the reduced integration effort and added features if it will work in this mode.


  • Hi, Adam,

    Yes, this device can work in both mono and stereo modes. As you correctly mentioned, you would need to leave floating the output that you won't use. I would only suggest to connect the unused analog input to a 0.1uF - 0.47uF capacitor to GND. The analog inputs are biased, so the capacitors are required even if they are not in use.

    I hope this helps you. Please let me know if you have additional questions or comments.

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.