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TAS5414B-Q1: TAS5414B Foldback Shutdown

Part Number: TAS5414B-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5414


We use TAS5414B on our custom board. We faced an issue that is thermal foldback. Our load is 2 ohms inductive and PVDD 24V. We use the outputs as PBTL. When I apply 1Vrms 100Hz sine wave to Inputs, TAS5414 shuts down the outputs and all channels immediately turn to Hi-Z. I looked at the faults via I2C and see that it gives thermal foldback and firstly shuts down the 3rd channel to Hi-Z and then other outputs. The interesting thing is some boards are working good some others give this fault. I use a heatsink on the IC and there is an EPad under the IC. I want to use this IC in maximum performance. I would like to know whats can be the reasons for the thermal foldback? How can I avoid this problem?  What should I pay attention to? Capacitors etc? Thank you.