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TAS5755M: Biquad filter coefficients calculation

Part Number: TAS5755M
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5711,

Hello, engineers!

I am designing a 2.1 digital audio amplifier. By now I had used TAS5711/31 GDE to calculate the BQ4a coefficients. Now I need to calculate it on my own. I read the treads here and came to a solution. However, there is a "slight" difference between what I had calculated and the GDE values.

The filter is Low-pass, Fc=800Hz, Fs=48kHz, Butterworth 2-order. Values are as follows:

GDE:        00 00 53 93 00 00 A7 26 00 00 53 93 00 ED 12 81 0F 91 9F 32

My value: 00 00 53 93 00 00 A7 26 00 00 53 93 00 ED 12 81 03 91 9F 31

b0 0.002551
b1 0.005101
b2 0.002551
a1 -1.85213
a2 0.862329

I used the formulas of "Bi-quad filters realization on AIC Codecs" and "Cookbook formulae for audio EQ biquad filter coefficients" - results for an and bn are equal.

For bn values I'm using this in Excel: DEC2HEX(IF(bn <0,(bn *2^23+2^26),bn *2^23),8)

For an values I'm using this in Excel:DEC2HEX(IF(-an <0,(-an *2^23+2^26),-an *2^23),8)

I found this expressions in this forum in a tread describing a notch filter.

How is it possible to have almost all values equal except two bytes about a2?  Where is the mistake?

Best regards,
Svetoslav Valkov