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PCM2902: PCM2900/2902/PCM2906 will work with android devices prior to android 10 but not beyond this

Part Number: PCM2902

I have built an audio interface with PCM2902E. This worked perfectly with Android versions about 5 to 9 via an OTG cable, and with some earlier versions of Android 10. I thought perhaps the PCM2902 was too old to deal with newer OSs, so I tried replacing it with a PCM 2906C, but the same issue remains. Both devices will work with older versions of Android. I also have a commercially made interface with a PCM 2900 in it and I observe the same issue. I tried reporting the issue to Google but received a response that asked me for information I didn't know how to find. I am not a coder, programmer or engineer, so communicating with Google/;Android OS people is not really in my skill set. Have others ancountered this problem and is there any "software fix" for this I could download?