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PGA4311: MCU to drive/control device

Part Number: PGA4311

Hello Guys,

Good day.

Just seeking your assistance for any good microcontroller to use for driving or controlling the PGA4311?



  • Hi Art,

    It's depending on your system.

    For example, if you need a traditional nob to control the volume, analog potentiometer(A-curve) and an ADC in MCU should be the simplest solution.
    While, if you will use the fully digital control volume (e.g. up/down buttons + LEDs, nob + rotary encoder + LCD/7segment display, or wireless control via Irda, etc.), you don't need an ADC integrated MCU.

    I will recommend for you to search MSP430 on or ask the recommendation on microcontrollers E2E forum to find the right MCU to you. 

    Best regards,
    Iwata Etsuji