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PCM3060: Device doesn't power up

Part Number: PCM3060

Hello everybody,

I fail to power up the PCM3060. I followed the power up sequence described in the manual (p. 16-17). Tried and validated many things and now I got no clue where to seek the root of the issue.

My power up sequence is:

  1. Reset pin low
  2. Write the configure registers over SPI (~0,5MHz)
  3. Reset pin high
  4. ADC-,DAC power save on (over SPI)
  5. Wait for 100ms
  6. ADC-,DAC power save off (over SPI)
  7. Nothing happens: No data from ADC. DAC output fixed to VCOM. No life reaction from the device

Additional infos:

  • Both DAC and ADC should work as slave using the BCLK2, LRCK2. The pins BCLK1, LRCK1 and SCK1 are floating.
  • LRCK=48kHz, BCLK=3072kHz, SCK=12288kHz
  • MODE pin at VDD for SPI mode.
  • VDD is ~ 3.65V
  • VCC is ~ 4.8V
  • All pins including BCLK2, LRCK2, SCK2, SPI modes are validated using logic analyzer /osci /multimeter. All are getting correct signals / frequencies.
  • SPI values validated: All being sent correctly.

Signal analysis of the power up sequence captured directly from the device pins:

Zoomed to the first SPI message: ("Data Out" is the Data in for the DAC, "Data in" is the output from the ADC)


C-Code of the configurations and power up sequence:

void init_pcm3060(void){

	printf("Initializing PCM3060\n");
	int i=0;
	uint16_t reg[10];
	uint16_t reg_release=0;
			64<<8 //Register id
			|0<<7 //MRST: Mode control reset (0=Set to default)
			|0<<6 //SRST: System reset (0= Resync.)
			|1<<5 //ADPSV: ADC Power save control (1= power save)
			|1<<4 //DAPSV: DAC Power save control (1= power save)
			|0; //S/E: Singled ended or differential select (0=diff)

			65<<8 //Register id
			|255; //DAC Attenuation level left (255=No attenuation)
			66<<8 //Register id
			|255; //DAC Attenuation level right (255=No attenuation)
			67<<8 //Register id
			|0<<7 //CSEL2: Clock select DAC (0= SCK2, BCK2, LRCK2 enabled)
			|0b000<<4 //M/S: Master select DAC (0b000=Slave mode)
			|0b01;//FMT2: Audio interface format DAC (0b01=24 bit LJ)
			68<<8 //Register id
			|0<<6 //OVER: Oversampling rate control DAC (0=x32 Oversampling)
			|0<<2 //DREV2: Output phase select (0=Non-inverted)
			|0<<1 //MUT22: Soft mute control left (0=No mute)
			|0;   //MUT21: Soft mute control right (0=No mute)
			69<<8 	//Register id
			|0 		//FLT: Digital filter rolloff control DAC (0=Sharp roloff)
			|0b01<<5 //DMF: Sampling freq selection for De-Emphasis DAC (0b01=48kHz)
			|0<<4	//DMC: De-Emphasis control DAC ( 0=Disabled)
			|0<<1 //ZREV: Zero detect polarity (0=High)
			|0; 	//AZRO: Zero flag function select
			70<<8 //Register id
			|215; //ADC Attenuation level left (215==0dB)
			71<<8 //Register id
			|215; //ADC Attenuation level right (215==0dB)
			72<<8 //Register id
			|1<<7 //CSEL1: Clock select ADC (0=SCK1, BCK1)
			|0b000<<4 //M/S: Master select ADC (0b000=Slave)
			|0b01;//FMT2: Audio interface format ADC (01=24 bit LJ)
			73<<8 //Register id
			|1<<4 //ZCDD: Zero cross detection disable (1=Disabled)
			|0<<3 //BYP: HPF Bypass controll ADC (0=HPF enabled)
			|0<<2 //DREV1: Input phase select ADC (0=Non-inverted)
			|0<<1 //MUT12: Soft mute control ADC left (0=No mute)
			|0; //MUT11: Soft mute control ADC right (0=No mute)

	//Register for releasing the ADC/DAC power save mode
			64<<8 //Register id
			|0<<7 //MRST: Mode control reset (0=Set to default)
			|0<<6 //SRST: System reset (0= Resync.)
			|0<<5 //ADPSV: ADC Power save control (0=normal mode)
			|0<<4 //DAPSV: DAC Power save control (0=normal mode)
			|0; //S/E: Singled ended or differential select (0=diff)

	//Startup and init sequence
	HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOG,GPIO_PIN_0,0); //Pull RST pin to low
	HAL_Delay(100); //Wait for power-up

	HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOG,GPIO_PIN_1,1); //MS high: SPI Unselect device
	HAL_Delay(10); //Wait

	//Write configuration registers
		HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOG,GPIO_PIN_1,0); //MS low: SPI Select device
		HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi3,(uint8_t *)&reg[i],1,1000); //Send config register
		HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOG,GPIO_PIN_1,1);//MS high: SPI Unselect device
		HAL_Delay(1); //Wait

	//Starting up
	HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOG,GPIO_PIN_0,1); //Push RST pin to high
	HAL_Delay(100); //Wait to release power save mode (100ms)
	HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi3,(uint8_t *)&reg_release,1,1000); //Exit power save mode via SPI command

What am I missing? What else can I try? Is the device may be broken?

  • Hi Can,
    Thanks for providing the detail on the issue you are having w the PCM3060. We will review the details and will get back to you. Thanks.

    Best regards,
  • Ravi Patil said:
    Hi Can,
    Thanks for providing the detail on the issue you are having w the PCM3060. We will review the details and will get back to you. Thanks.

    Best regards,

    Hello Ravi,
    When would you be able to take a look at this issue? I'm still struggling with it and still no success.. By the way I tried following things :
    • Configuring the device as a master causes a strange behaviour:
      • When I configure CSEL2 (clock select for DAC) to SCK2 , device generates LRCK2 and BCK2.
      • When I configure CSEL1 (clock select for ADC) to SCK2  device doesn't generate LRCK2 and BCK2 =>The LRCK2/BCK2 generation seems to depend only on DAC.
      • Either way no DOUT from the device...

    • Streaming zero bits into DAC doesn't trigger ZERO flags.
    Am I doing something wrong with the synchronization? Are the floating SCK1, LRCK1, BCK1 a problem? As far as I understand the datasheet, both sections of the device can be operated fully asynchronously. So, if I set it into the master mode, simply put a system clock into it, it should generate  LRCK, BCK and DOUT...Isn't this the simplest debugging method? What am I missing?
    I appreciate every hint helping me to get this device work..
    Best regards
  • Hi Can,
    The primary Apps Engg who supports this product is back in office tmrw and will review the details you provided on the issue and will get back w the additional clarifications.

    As far as the your analysis goes, you are correct about being able to see LRCK/BCK and DOUT signals when running in MASTER mode. Thanks for your patience and we should be able to provide you more details during the week. Thanks.

    Best regards,
  • Hello Ravi,

    Will you give a feedback to this issue?

    I'm waiting for a response from you since one month. One of the main reasons to choose TI products for me was the support. It's seems to be nothing but "We will get back to you". This is very disappointing.