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TLV320ADC3101: ADC3101 multichannel issue

Part Number: TLV320ADC3101

Dear expert, 

from the ADC3101 manual, I know that this chip can support 6 analogue input, does it mean that I can connect 6 Micphons channels simultaneously? 

can the DSP support such an application?

In the PPS software, it seems like the multichannel processing flow is not supported, because there is no such component?

if so, do you have any suggestion for using the DSP, because now we just have a customer want to monitor the sound from 6 directions, I do not know whether this is suitable

  • wxyxiangyang, 

    The ADC3101 supports 6 analog inputs to the 2 ADCs. Thus you can connect 6 microphones simultaneously but they will have to be summed in some fashion to 2 ADC channels.  

    If you need more channels consider a device like the PCM186x or better yet our new ADC3140.  

    best regards,

    -Steve Wilson