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TAS2563: Question of TAS2563 Amp_Level Register

Part Number: TAS2563

Hi Sirs,

The table 55 is not in line with table 94 of the TAS2563 datasheet. My measurement result on the EVM shows the TAS2563 can send up to 7.923Vrms (11.204Vpk) which is close to the chart of the table 55.

Would you please advise if the table 94 needed to be updated? 

TAS2563EVM Test Result with 13V PVDD, 4ohm load and Boost Off, 

# Set TAS2563 Amp_Level = 19dBV (12.60419Vpk)
w 90 00 00
w 90 7f 00
w 90 03 2c

TAS2563 datasheet table 55 -> Register 0x03, 0x15~0x1F reserved

TAS2563 datasheet table 94 -> Register 0x03, 0x15 ~ 0x1D were defined

Thank you and Best regards,

Wayne Chen

  • Hi, Wayne,

    We will take a look at this and will answer as soon as possible.

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.

  • Hi Wayne,

    Did you get analog clipping for gain levels higher than 18dBV? Or gain is not increasing past this level?
    Section explains that gain levels do not mean that voltage can come out of the driver as follows: "It should be noted that these levels may not be achievable because of analog clipping in the amplifier, so they should be used to convey gain only"

    PPC3 allows this control up to 22dBV so I think Table 94 is correct, perhaps changing table 55 mention of "Reserved" to something different would be better.

    In addition, please note that this Amplifier Level should not be modified for tuning mode (should always be default 16dBV), as this would affect the speaker protection algorithm.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer - Low Power Audio & Actuators

  • Hello Ivan,

    What is the impact if we setup AMP_LEVEL to 18dBV when using external 12V PVDD in boost bypass mode? We assume that we can maximize output power with external high voltage PVDD.

    Thank you and Best regards,

    Wayne Chen

  • Hi Wayne,

    Let me confirm on this specific case later today when I'm in the lab.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer - Low Power Audio & Actuators

  • Hi Wayne,

    This thread is being handled offline through email.
    For e2e reference: AMP_LEVEL gain can be increased further than 16dBV, however this would cause digital clipping on the input signal. This is not recommended for tuning mode as the algorithm would not be able to compensate the digital clipping.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer - Low Power Audio & Actuators

  • Thank you for your confirmation, Ivan...Wayne Chen