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TAS5805M: TAS5805M AGL

Part Number: TAS5805M
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5805

Hi Team,

My customer is using TAS5805 and has some AGL issues.

1. With -12dBFs input, the power is set to 7 watts. The big signal uses 0dBFs, enable AGL and the power can be limited to 7 watts.

2. With -15dBFs input, the power is set to 7 watts. The big signal uses 0dBFs, enable AGL (same AGL params as above) and the power can only be limited to 9 watts.

AGL params:

w 58 00 00
w 58 7f 8c
w 58 00 2c
w 58 64 01 4E 00 00
w 58 68 C0 00 00 00

Could you help debug this issue?

+CC customer in this post.

Best regards,