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TAS5760M: Clock Error occurs -> DC Detect Error occurs

Part Number: TAS5760M

Hi all

Would you mind if we ask TAS5760M?

We would like to comfirm the condition that after clock Error occurs DC Detect Error occurs.
(Of course, we recognize that there is no such situation intrinsically.)
In case of clock Error occurring, if the speaker outputXX is more than DCETHRES, does the device operate DC Detect Error?
And then, the customer uses PVDD=24V, will the typ vaule of DCETHRES 5.2V?
Is it correct?

Kind regards,

Hirotaka Matsumoto

  • Hi Matsumoto,


    First of all, the DCETHRES is 5.2V at 24V PVDD. 

    TAS5760M DC Detect Error is based on internal FET PWM output duty cycle. So once clock error happens, the device automatically turns off driver output, there is no DC detect running at this status.
