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TLV320AIC3106: Microphone recording sound lower or louder in production boards

Part Number: TLV320AIC3106

I got a situation related to TLV320AIC3106. I found some boards that get louder result with microphone recording, some boards are lower (All use some code). I tried to swap TLV320AIC3106s and several parts in microphone circuit with louder board and lower board, but louder board is always louder and lower board is always lower. Can you get me some suggestion (circuit, part spec requirement) to clarify this issue?

  • Hello Alex,

    What types of input level differences are you measuring with the different devices?  The AIC3106 is not a precision device with trimmed gain error, so there are variations in gain-error device-to-device and the variations you're seeing could be within our expectations which should be within +/-1dB.

  • Hi Collin,

    Thanks for response.

    I used AIC3016 to record sound with condenser microphone, then compare result using Audacity software. In worst case, over 10dB difference for best board and poor board. I mentioned I use to swap AIC3016 and several parts using louder and lower boards, but this situation is always exist in lower board. Suppose the issue is not concern about AIC3016. I am not sure whether other circuit to make this trouble.

    I need more suggestion to find out root cause.

  • Hi Alex,

    I agree this is not related to the TLV320AIC3106.  Try to double-check the raw levels coming out of the microphones and the -10dB low channel is likely producing less sound.  Then see if there is something possibly blocking the port or if assembly/manufacturing impacted its performance.