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TLV320DAC3100: Interpolation Filter A B C

Part Number: TLV320DAC3100

Hi team,

Now that each of filter A B and C can pass 0-20kHz audio signal, I think choosing any of them is OK. However, in datasheet, it reads that filter A is designed for an fS up to 48 ksps and filter B is specifically designed for an fS of up to 96 ksps and filter C is specifically designed for the 192-ksps mode. Why? Is there any deeper relationship between filter characteristics and sampling rate?



  • Hi ZaiZeng,

    the different filter have different pass band, and group delay, although all 20kHz signal can be pass in the different filter.

    you can get the details on the data sheet from page 32.

    usually, the higher sample rate need lower delay, and of cause need more pass band to get better performance. so please follow the instructions to choose the filter according to your user case.




  • Hi NaiZeng,

    if you still have questions, please feedback.

    this item will be closed in 2 days without further feedback.

