Hi everyone,
I want to configure LMK04828 based on 3-wire mode SPI, but something wrong.
I use a tri-state gate(IOBUF in vivado) (Figure 1, 2)as a switch to change the SDIO's direction, and set 'en_n_2' as the control signal.
Becasue in LMK04828 datasheet, the SPI signal length is 24 bit and the last 8 bit is the config data I want(Figure 3), I choose one proper time point to rise the 'en_n_2' signal to change the SDIO as input so that I can readback from LMK04828(Figure 4).
I don't get the correct readback data, so I try to change the time point in which will rise the 'en_n_2' siganl as I said, but also don't get the correct readback(Figure 4).