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LMX2594PSEVM: Struggle to get a constant phase angle after SYNC-Pulse

Part Number: LMX2594PSEVM


I am currently working on the LMX2594PSEVM board and am having problems synchronizing the two PLL's externally.

For testing purpose I use TICS to control the PLL's. To messure the phasedifference between the two Signals I use a VNA (

The two PLL's are both locked and working fine. The settings in TICS are as follows:

From the datasheet, I read that these settings fall under SYNC Category 3 for this use case.

But I get a strange behavior, when I send the SYNC pulse multible times (Setup- and Hold-time are above 3ns... so basically okay). Based on my current understanding, the phase relationship of the two output signals should not change when I send the pulse multiple times. However, that is exactly what is happening. In the current settings, there are two angles that (seemingly) change randomly. For example, like this:

1. Pulse: 43°

2. Pulse: 43°

3. Pulse: 36°

4. Pulse: 43°

5. Pulse: 36°

6. Pulse: 36°


For my use case, I require a fixed phase relationship of the PLLs after the SYNC.

Did I do something wrong with the TICS settings or did I misunderstand the whole sync feature?

Many thanks


  • Hi Thomas,

    I assume you have uncheck INPIN_IGNORE bit. 

    What is MASH_RST_COUNT value? You may try to double it to see is there is improvement.

    Could you also provide a screenshot of your OSCin and SYNC signal?

  • Thanks for your reply, but unfortunately increase the MASH_RST_COUNT value doesn't help.

    In the actual configuration I am using only the eval board. The SYNC-Pulse is also set over TICS.

    I know sometimes the setup- and holdtime is under the min, but this doesn't affect my problem. 

    Even when the Timing is 10 times good (checked with scope) , the output phase switch between two values randomly.

    My complete Registermap is in the 2500MHz_V2 textfile.

    R112	0x700000
    R111	0x6F0000
    R110	0x6E0000
    R109	0x6D0000
    R108	0x6C0000
    R107	0x6B0000
    R106	0x6A0000
    R105	0x690021
    R104	0x680000
    R103	0x670000
    R102	0x660000
    R101	0x650011
    R100	0x640000
    R99	0x630000
    R98	0x620000
    R97	0x610888
    R96	0x600000
    R95	0x5F0000
    R94	0x5E0000
    R93	0x5D0000
    R92	0x5C0000
    R91	0x5B0000
    R90	0x5A0000
    R89	0x590000
    R88	0x580000
    R87	0x570000
    R86	0x560000
    R85	0x550000
    R84	0x540000
    R83	0x530000
    R82	0x520000
    R81	0x510000
    R80	0x500000
    R79	0x4F0000
    R78	0x4E016F
    R77	0x4D0000
    R76	0x4C000C
    R75	0x4B0840
    R74	0x4A0000
    R73	0x49003F
    R72	0x480001
    R71	0x470081
    R70	0x4686A0
    R69	0x450001
    R68	0x4403E8
    R67	0x430000
    R66	0x4201F4
    R65	0x410000
    R64	0x401388
    R63	0x3F0000
    R62	0x3E0322
    R61	0x3D00A8
    R60	0x3C0000
    R59	0x3B0001
    R58	0x3A1001
    R57	0x390020
    R56	0x380000
    R55	0x370000
    R54	0x360000
    R53	0x350000
    R52	0x340820
    R51	0x330080
    R50	0x320000
    R49	0x314180
    R48	0x300300
    R47	0x2F0300
    R46	0x2E07FC
    R45	0x2DC0DF
    R44	0x2C1FA2
    R43	0x2B03E8
    R42	0x2A0000
    R41	0x290000
    R40	0x280000
    R39	0x273E80
    R38	0x260000
    R37	0x258204
    R36	0x240027
    R35	0x230004
    R34	0x220000
    R33	0x211E21
    R32	0x200393
    R31	0x1F43EC
    R30	0x1E318C
    R29	0x1D318C
    R28	0x1C0488
    R27	0x1B0002
    R26	0x1A0DB0
    R25	0x190C2B
    R24	0x18071A
    R23	0x17007C
    R22	0x160001
    R21	0x150401
    R20	0x14F848
    R19	0x1327B7
    R18	0x120064
    R17	0x11012C
    R16	0x100080
    R15	0x0F064F
    R14	0x0E1E70
    R13	0x0D4000
    R12	0x0C5001
    R11	0x0B0018
    R10	0x0A10D8
    R9	0x090604
    R8	0x082000
    R7	0x0740B2
    R6	0x06C802
    R5	0x0500C8
    R4	0x040A43
    R3	0x030642
    R2	0x020500
    R1	0x010808
    R0	0x00641C

  • Addendum: My settings work fine for other frequencies. Only the dividers and Fref were changed:

    FOUT: 2500, Fref: 64, N: 39, NUM: 1, DEN: 16, CD: 4 (NOT WORKING)

    FOUT: 6000, Fref: 64, N: 46, NUM: 7, DEN: 8, CD: 2 (WORKING)

    FOUT: 200, Fref: 32, N: 50, NUM: 0, DEN: 1, CD: 48 (WORKING)

  • Thomas,

    The phase SYNC will synchronize the dividers consistently.  However, you are seeing about 6 degrees of variation, which works out to about 7 ps at 2.5 GHz output.  Note that when you calibrate, the calibration state could be different.

    I suspect that if you read back rb_VCO_CAPCTRL from the 36 degree and 43 degree state you might find that you get two different values.  We have considerable overlap in these capacitor codes to ensure this.

    On page 22 under the section "7.3.14 Fine Adjustments for Phase Adjust and Phase SYNC", it mentions that there is about 10 ps variation due to this.

    If you want to eliminate this variation, you need to use full assist calibration.

  • Thank you Dean,

    You are right with your assumption of the cause. Unfortunately I can't find any detailed info for the full assist mode. How do you determine VCO_CAPCTRL and VCO_DACISET ? Is there also a formula for it like for VCO_CAPCTRL_STRT and VCO_DACISET_STRT in partial assist calibration?

    I have also tried the partial assist mode. This has also already solved the problem (at least with my current settings).

  • Hi Thomas,

    Before you can "apply" full assist. you need to build a look up table by doing VCO calibration for all the frequency of interest. After each calibration, you can read back VCO parameters, i.e., VCO_CAPCTRL, VCO_DACISET, VCO_SEL. 

    When you apply full assist, enable all _FORCE bits, use the LUT to get the required VCO parameters for the frequency you are going to lock.

    For details, please read