Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK00338, LMK00334, LMKDB1104
I am working on a PCIE clock distribution design for our new network switch board. I have the following requirements:
- common clock design
- support a mix of Gen-2, Gen-3 and Gen-4 devices
- looking for clock components that can start running upon powerup without having to be programmed by software such as I2C
- clock buffers should have HCSL outputs and support 100 ohm differential impedance.
- prefer that all clock devices are on one single power supply, such as all devices are 3.3V.
I have reviewed the following TI components.
- MK00304 as clock generator that sources clock to down stream clock buffers.
- LMK00334 and LMK00338 as the 1:8 and 1:4 clock buffers with HCSL outputs to PCIE components.
Here is a brief clock tree.
Are the TI components that I identified are the best solution for this project? Can you recommend an alternative solution?
Can you recommend an oscillator for the clock generator?