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TPS62A06A: startup time

Part Number: TPS62A06A



I have saw startup time maximum is 1ms, I understand this maximum 1ms is based on test condition for "TJ = –40°C to +125°C, VIN = 2.5 V to 5.5 V. Typical values are at TJ = 25°C and VIN = 5 V (unless otherwise noted)"

But end customer had tested many sample all about 0.5ms startup time. There want to know what conition may let TPS62A06A startup time close to 1ms(ex. high temp). Becasue of they more concern about the power sequence.Thanks!


  • Hi Jeff,

    the max value in the datasheet is a value that is not exceed with a very high level of confidence after testing many devices after production. This does not only cover temperature and voltage ranges but also manufacturing differences.

    You will most likely always see values close to the typical value when testing single devices from the same production batch.

    What are the limits for power sequence of the customer application? Do they need a guaranteed limit?

    Regards, Werner

  • Hi Werner,

    Got it, customer's criteria is very close to 1ms. Is possible to provide relatvie produce LOG for starup time? Customer wants to know the distributed if you can share to us.



  • Hi Jeff,

    the dataset I found over 15.000 units show a minimum measured value of 501μs, and a maximum of 661μs. Temperature seems to have the most impact, with higher temp = longer rise time.

    This data does not give any guarantee, but shows you the observed range of rise times so far.

    Regards, Werner