LMH1983: How to use LMH1983

Part Number: LMH1983


To whom it may concern

I have some questions.Please answer my questions.

My application:
I am inputting H and V to the LMH1983 and expecting it to output 27MHz clock in genlock mode.
When in NTSC, H is 1716 smaple.
When in PAL, H is 1728 sample.

My application only inputs H and V, not F, to the LMH1983.
Therefore, I do not use auto detect mode, that is, I set register 0x05 to 0x0B.
And for NTSC, I set register 0x20 to 0x00.
For PAL, I set register 0x20 to 0x01.
Is this usage correct?

In my application, I do not use the FOUT output by LMH1983.
In this case, I think that the Alignment Control in register 0x11 is irrelevant.
Therefore, I think the default value is fine. Is this understanding correct?
In particular, I would like to confirm that for TOF1_Align_Mode, is it okay to set it to 11 = Never Align?

I would like to know more about register 0x2D LockStepsize.
I think this register needs to be set appropriately depending on the user's application.
But I don't know how to decide on the value.
Is there a manual to help me decide on the setting value?

I would like to know more about register 0x2D LockStepsize. What difference does it make when I set it to 0x08 or 0x09?

I would like to know more about register 0x1C Loss of Lock Threshold.
I think this register needs to be set appropriately depending on the user's application.
But I don't know how to decide the value. Is there a manual to decide the setting value?

I would like to know more about register 0x1C Loss of Lock Threshold. What difference does it make when I set it to 0x10 or 0x08?

Best regards,