Our aim is to generate 3 frequencies synchronized with SDI video clock provided by a LMH0041.
The 3 frequencies are :
- 74.25MHz 27Mhz 12.288MHz
- or
- 74.25MHz/1,001 27MHz 12.288Mhz
The LMH0041 is provide a recovered clock from SDI (SD:27MHz HD:74.25x2 or 74.25x2/1,001). We plan to extract F/H/V signal from SDI stream (after the LMH0041) into a FPGA and provide them to LMH1983.
Is there any reference design related to this topic?
Is there any timing specifications about the F/H/V inputs of LMH1983? (H min pulse width, V timing relation with H, etc...).
Thanks in advance.