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CDCEL925 - issues

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCEL925

Dear all,

I'm programming the CDCEL925 via I2C directly on system, but I'm experiencing the following issues:

I1 - programming the internal registers seems to have no effects;

I2 - readings on every address returns always 0x07;

I've checked the I2C signals and acks are all corrects, both for readings and writings.

Take in count that my case of use is the following:
- S0 kept down;
- S1 and S2 pulled up and functioning always as I2C bus;
- I need only to generate a 12MHz ssc clock on Y1 from a 12MHz oscillator;
- Currently I'm programming all the 8 patch for PLL1 and Y1 with the same values;



  • Solved.

    The command byte in the I2C protocol, that commonly indicates the internal registers addresses, was sent with bit7 at 0, that is for block read/write ... a bit uncommon, don't think, specially if you have a general purpose I2C driver.

