we try to use the LMK04816 in0-delay dual loop mode with internal PLL and internal feedback.
Input frequency at CLKin0 = 50MHz
External VCXO at 150MHz
Output frequency at all CLKoutXY shall be 50MHz.
Sounds easy, isn't it? But the LMK04816 refuses a lock. Here is my setting:
R0 => x"00000600"
R1 => x"00000601"
R2 => x"00000602"
R3 => x"00000603"
R4 => x"00000604"
R5 => x"00000605"
R6 => x"03160006"
R7 => x"03030007"
R8 => x"03030008"
R9 => x"55555549"
R10 => x"1140480A"
R11 => x"1400300B"
R12 => x"1BCC016C"
R13 => x"3B13106D"
R14 => x"1300000E"
R15 => x"0280400F"
R16 => x"01550410"
R24 => x"00000018"
R25 => x"01010019"
R26 => x"83A8001A"
R27 => x"1000009B"
R28 => x"0030009C"
R29 => x"0200031D"
R30 => x"0200031E"
We already verified the programming sequence by readback of the registers.
During our debugging we tried a VCXO of 50MHz and configured the chip for dual PLL mode (without 0-delay), resuting in a lock of both PLLs:
R 0 => x"00000600"
R 1 => x"00000661"
R 2 => x"00000662"
R 3 => x"00000663"
R 4 => x"00000664"
R 5 => x"00000665"
R 6 => x"03160006"
R 7 => x"03030007"
R 8 => x"03030008"
R 9 => x"55555549"
R10 => x"1140480A"
R11 => x"0400300B"
R12 => x"1B0C016C"
R13 => x"3B13106D"
R14 => x"1300000E"
R15 => x"0280400F"
R16 => x"01550410"
R24 => x"00000018"
R25 => x"01010019"
R26 => x"83A8001A"
R27 => x"1000009B"
R28 => x"0010009C"
R29 => x"0000037D"
R30 => x"0100037E"
I am aware that I should use EN_PLL2_REF_2X. But if I do, it causes that PLL2 does not lock.
Can you please have a look at the register maps and tell me what's wrong?