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LMX2487E-EVM: Program to device with Coadloader4

Part Number: LMX2487E-EVM


I had bought LMX2487E-EVM for my customer support (customer's app is SDR..)

Would you please let me know about programming to device?




Is “Program Pins” setting needed for LMX2487E EVM? How do I set this for program to device for LMX2487E-EVM case?

(DATA,CLK,LE is seemed correctly  without “Program Pins”: see attached)


I can program (write to device) using Coadloader4 with uWire , but are there any way to read teh seetting from device?

( I don't have OSC , Spectrum analyzer now...)



Does TI have any IC to detect RSSI for 25MHz ~ 1.3GHz range?

If you can introduce, please advise.


I had attached  ppt files

Thank you for your support and with my best regards


LMX2487E Operation.pptx




  • Hi Kanji,

    Thanks for the slides and clear images!

    Q1: The program pins are another option to give control other than the DATA, CLK, LE. The best check is to see if on the EVM if the pins are connected directly to VCC or back to the programming header.

    Q2: Unfortunately this device does not have readback capability. The newer devices we have do if you take a devices like LMX2571, LMX2582, LMX2592, LMX2594. What is the requirements you need on this design, I can help you identify your best selection out of our broad range of synthesizer products.

    Q3: TI has a variety of ADC and AFE that can be used on in receiver applications requiring RSSI detection. You can get the best recommendation if posted to the ADC forums.



    Brian Wang
  • Dear Brian,

    Thank you for your quick reply!

    I found that CE=High( pull up to 3.3V), ENOSC=Open( not connected to uWire) in the LMX2487E-EVM  hardware setting.

    So, I think it should be written correctly without "Program-pin" setting in the Codeloader.

    I understood that the Only way check whether program correctly or not is, use EVM by  actual RF input and monitor RFoutput.

    Thank you

    Best Regards

  • Kanji,

    Yes, monitoring the RF output is the truest way to verify everything is correct.

    There is also another way, you can program the Ftest/LD MUX to output lock detect, on the EVM this can be configured to route to an LED, which is a convenient way to show if programmed OK with a green light on.


    Brian Wang
  • Hello!

    Dear Brian-san

    Thank you for your advice quickly !!

    The correct way to check the MUX[3:0]  Ftest/LD is just set MUX[3:0] as  0001 ( logic High) or 0010(logic low) by Coadloader and

    monitor the TP Ftest/LD ?

    I had checked by LMX2487E-EVM but Ftest/LD stays low regrardless of setting on Coadloader.

    There may be anything  lack/ mistake but I could not find the way..

    I'm sorry to bother you, but would you please let me know the procedure to check the MUX[3:0] function ?

    ( I don't have RF oscillator also Spectrum analyzer..)


    Best Regards







  • Hi Kanji-san,

    First of all, I think we need to verify that the USB communication is working.
    Do two tests:
    1. Powerdown test
    1.1. Powerup the EVM, record the current consumption
    1.2. In CodeLoader, in the Bits/Pins page, check the RF_PD box to powerdown the device. You should see a reduction in current consumption.
    2. LD pin test
    2.1 set MUX to "Logic High", you should measure Vcc voltage.

    if these tests passed, that means the USB communication is working. We can proceed to the next test.

    3. Vtune test
    3.1. Powerup the EVM
    3.2. provide a reference clock to the EVM (I didn't see you have this reference clock in your pptx)
    3.3. program the EVM with correct configuration
    3.4. measure the Vtune voltage of the VCO, you should get something close to 2.5V.
  • Dear Noel-san

    Thank you for your answer in detail !!

    Sorry to late my reply.

    I did not have OSCin (100MHz) to LMX2487E EVM ,but is OSCin  nesessary for programming?


    I thought if DATA,CLOCK,LE are applied through Codeloader, it should be programmed correctly.

    ( I can monitor them in oscilloscope and it seems to be changed correctly if I changed R4 for example) 


    Anyway I failed for Power down test and LD pin test even though Data, Clock and LE  can been seen in the LMX2487E device pin in the EVM.

    *I had reffered SNAU083A ( Coadloader 4 Programming Instructions ) and also EVM User's guide SNAU114D.

    *I see CE=High.


    * I applied reference clock applied ( 100MHz 0dBm to OSCin) but failed power down test/LD pin test also.



    If you have any opinion for evm instruction, please advise.

    Anyway customer had designed their first PCB already without LMX2487E evm investigation... 

    We will check customer's  PCB next week using Codeloader4 and USB2ANY/uWire.

    Again,Programming to LMX2487E has no need to have OSCin , correct?


    Thank you

    Best Regards[


  • Hi Kanji-san,

    If you just want to check programming, OSCin is not needed. However, if you want the PLL locks to the VCO, OSCin must be there.

    Right now, your problem is programming never succeed. I assume the EVM comes with a USB2ANY and a USB2ANY-uWIRE adapter board. If you don't have the adapter board, it is not possible to program the EVM correctly with the USB2ANY because the pin assignment is different.
    If you have the adapter board, make sure you have configured the headers correctly to suit for LMX2487 EVM. See Table 3 of the EVM User's guide for detail.
  • Dear Noel-san

    Thank you for your answer, and I'm sorry my delay because I and customerf is still investigate  LMX2487E-EVM.

    Would you please help us?



    Your mentioned Table 3 is snau137a  page 35 ?

    I followed that, and got DATA/CLOCK/LE which seems correctly. ( Please refer attached ppt page 2)



    Is there any sequence ( order ) to program register R4 ?

    :For example, R4 should be programmed after R0~R3 were programmed…?

    :For example, Power OFF(CE=L) and power ON  to reset all registers..?

    Otherwise I doubt my LMX2487E EVM may broken…



    Our ( customer’s) goal is  to have a divider .

    Fin_RF ==> 450MHz input  (1/384) RF_N/2 divider ==> output 1.17MHz to Ftest/LD pin as CMOS ==> Customer's MCU.

    (Before they had been used  MB15F72UL(Fujitsu) but its EOL, so customer design using LMX2485E for 2018 new Digital Radio product )

    We have no LMX2485E  EVM so, evaluating LMX2487E EVM and we will replace it to LMX2485E. ( uinfortunately EVM not works wel)


    I believe above is achieved for LMX2485E,but would you please confirm again?

    If yes , which is better to select RF_P= 0 or RF_P=1, both of RF_P=0 or 1 is Okay ??

    Please kindly refer attached PPT.



    Thank you your support and with my best regards


    LMX2487E Operation_1113_again.pptx

  • Hi Kanji-san,

    Q1. Please use the updated EVM user's guide: 

    Q2. There is no programming sequence in LMX24xx devices.

    Q3. This operation is possible, see the test setup and result. I suggest use IF for lower power consumption.

    LMX2487E Operation_1113_Noel.pptx


    Dear Noel-san

    Thank you for your advice and  your test result   using IF_N, got Ftest/LD out=1.17MHz  quickly !! 

    I found Table 3 on Updated user's guide is

    We will investigate customer's board using  USB2ANY and uWire adapter card from this week.


    Thank you for your support again and with my best regards