Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCI6214,
I'm trying to get the Frequency Increment and decrement feature of the CDCI6214 working, using the GPIO FREQ_INC & FREQ_DEC input pins, but untill now I did not succeed to get to work.
I was able to get the FREQ_INC & FREQ_DEC working using the I2C register (GENERIC3) at address 3h. when I write a '1' to bit 1 (=fod_iod_inc) while bit 0 (=fod_iod_reg_mode) is '0' then the frequency increases, when I write a '1' to bit 2 (=fod_iod_dec) the frequency decreases. If I do the same using the + and - buttons in the Block Diagram view, this does not work, since this seems to write a '1' to fod_iod_inc and fod_iod_dec at the same time, which i suppose is not correct.
But then, and this is the actual problem I opened this thread for: when I want to use the GPIO4 pin, configured as FREQ_INC input and the GPIO1 pin configured as FREQ_DEC input, and set bit 0 of the GENERIC3 register to '0', and then press the buttons at the left of GPIO4 and GPIO1 so they go from low to high and vice versa, nothing changes to the frequency of the selected output.
Is there a problem with this function on the CDCI6214EVM or is there something else in the register interface or PCB board that needs modifications for this to work?
Kind Regards,