Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2594
Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler
I have 2 questions concerning the LMX2594EVM board.
Just for information, we are testing the board in order to use the LMX2594 in an industrial level probing FMCW radar.
In fact, the output power is not adequate with the datasheet of the LMX2594 synthesizer (as shown in the attached figure outputpower.jpg).
As 7 GHz is the default frequency of the TICS software, I find it curious that the power at 7 GHz is the same as the datasheet. So is there something I am doing wrong with the configuration of the output frequency ? (I attached a screenshot of the TICS software configuration for 10 GHz).
The second question is concerning the ramp.
Generally, if we “zoom in” the ramp we see that it is not perfectly linear and it is a stair (attached figure ramp.jpg). Is this the case with the LMX2594 ?
If yes can you give us how to calculate the ‘dt’ ? It is very important for us to decrease ‘dt’ as possible (< 1 ns) in order to get the highest precision for the FMCW radar we are designing.
Best regards,
Tony Hanna Ph.D.